Chapter 47:- The Grandmother

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"Have you thought about Karishma's marriage? You haven't even told me the reason behind breaking the last one. "

"Amma, She was not happy. How could I force her into something like that?" Pushpa said and placed her cup of tea on the table. The living area was filled with the sounds of Dadi's sips.

"But you told me she found this guy she's in love with."

"It was all my misunderstanding."

"Lekin phir bhi...Galat femi itni dur kaise paunch gyi?" Dadi moved to Karishma's side and placed her hand on Karishma's knee. "Don't take me wrong. I am just trying to understand. I am concerned about you. I thought you would never want to get married after what happened to your mother. I was so happy to know that you are ready to leave all that experience behind and accept the idea of having a partner. What changed beta?"

Karishma, unsure of what to say and how to make them understand, nervously uttered "It was all a misunderstanding. I don't want to get married and I don't want to talk about it. " She jumped from the sofa and went to her room. She rushed to her desk, picked up her phone and quickly dialled Haseena's number.

"Where are you? " Karishma yelled'.

"Got held up at the station. I am on my way. Relax Karishma...It's just Dadi and based on the stories you have told me, she's my favourite."

"And she is very old-fashioned and strict. I told you to be on time."

"Calm down Karishma.....I will be there in 10 mins."

"10 mins? I haven't seen you in a week. Do you know how exhausting it is to live a whole week without scrutinising your gorgeous face? Our department was never kind to me. They deliberately posted you to another station to torture me. "

"Areyy Areey! toh ye hai baat. Dadi toh sirf bahana thi. No worries my love. I will do plenty of things to make up for the past week."

"NOO! Not while Dadi is here. She is omnipresent. She will know. "

Haseena laughed "Kitni fattu hain aap"

"Get your ass here quickly. Bye"

Haseena hit the pedal and stopped in front of Karishma's house. She Picked up Dadi's favourite sweet that Karishma asked her to bring while meeting dadi for the first time.

"Madam Sir! It's so good to see you again."

"Please Pushpa ji. Call me Haseena. I am no longer your SHO. "

"Ji.. Andar ayeye aap." Pushpa ji gestured Haseena to come and greet the grandmother.

Haseena forwarded the desert box "Hello Dadi, Namaste"

"Namaste Beta. " Dadi peeked in the box and found her favourite sweet treat and then she eyed Karishma's room and said, "Someone made sure you impress me."

Haseena couldn't help but blush. It was involuntary and dadi noticed it. "I heard a lot about you from Karishma. She respects you and sees you as a mentor but talks about you as a lover."

Haseena choked on the water at the unexpected remark. Dadi said it as a joke but Haseena's expressions made her suspicious. Karishma witnessed the conversation as she was coming out of her room.

"Madam Sir, Aap a gyi. You must be tired. Why don't you get fresh in my room while we prepare dinner."

"Sure Karishma Singh. It's good to see you again." Haseena went to Karishma's room. Karishma started getting the dining table ready for dinner.

"I heard nothing but about Haseena in the last two days yet just now you acted so formally." Dadi interrogated Karishma as she sat on the chair.

"was it formal? I don't know. We talk like that only" Karishma avoided any eye contact while setting up the table. "I should go and check if Madam Sir needs anything."

Karishma paced to her room and knocked on the bathroom door. "Dadi is onto us," Karishma uttered as soon as she heard Haseena opening the door.

Haseena grabbed Karishma into the bathroom and sealed their lips. Karishma tried breaking the contact but Haseena was determined not to let go. Karishma feared getting caught but Haseena was eager to consume her lips as if they were some sweet fruit. Karishma surrendered to the attack and lets haseena snatch her by the neck.

"I missed you" Haseena.

"So did I" Karishma uttered. She took haseena's hands that were resting on her neck into hers and calmly said, "I wish I could show you how much I have missed having you near me. But we must head out before anyone suspects anything. "

Haseena stepped out of the bathroom. "If you say so. But who will doubt the nature of our relationship? It looks like a platonic friendship from the outside and don't you know that.... " Haseena slides her hand to Karishma's collarbone and slowly makes it disappear under her shirt. "Girls tend to be touchy" She further gropes Karishma's breast. "Who will " She brings her other hand near Karishma's lips "Suspect anything? Aren't we just " She part Karishma's lips with her thumb. "friends for the world? "

"Haseena" Karishma manages to air only this word. She melted under the feel of Haseena's thumb between her lips, she took a deep breath and grabbed Haseena's wrist to let herself free from Haseena's trap.

"Karishma? What's taking you so lon..." Dadi entered the room.

Karishma and haseena both jerked off their hands. There was complete silence for a couple of minutes. Dadi was sure of what she saw yet she was unsure of the reality. Karishma's brain raced with thoughts that scared her to the core. Haseena feared Dadi's reaction for the sake of Karishma and wished that if only she could have controlled herself for a few more minutes. All three of them were looking at each other in the dead-silence room.

"I knew there was something fishy going on between you two. " Dadi didn't let her eyes leave Haseena.

"You don't understand. We were just..." Haseena noticed Karishma's trembling hands and breaking voice. She knew that this was not Karishma's ideal way to let her family find out. Haseena held Karishma's hand which instantly calmed her down and Karishma shifted her eyes to Haseena in gratitude. Dadi saw what all transpired.

"So you will still say that you are just friends? " Karishma was about to say something but Dadi motioned her to stop. "I am not a child. Do you think you can fool me? Do you even realise what you are doing? What repercussions this would have on your life? "

Fearful Karishma wanted to deny everything but then her eyes landed on Haseena. Karishma thought, "This does not only affect me. I have Haseena and lord knows how agonising, painful and difficult the process of my realisation has been on both of us."

Haseena nodded her head and told her with her eyes that it was okay if Karishma chooses not to put forward haseena as her girlfriend. Regardless of the decision she takes today, Haseena will always be by her side.

This gave Karishma the courage to express herself. "Yes," Karishma intertwined her fingers strongly with Haseena's and continued. "I know what repercussions it had. My life has become worth living."

"You know what people call an unusual couple like you?"

"Yes, And I don't care."

"Have you thought about your mother?"

Mother.....That was all she thought about when she decided to pull away from Haseena. Will now be any different from the last time?




Thank you for showing love for this Story. It is coming to an end. Only a few more chapters and then adios. Also, I will be dropping the next chapter very soon.

The Story of usOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora