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After the rather eventful afternoon, Y/n and Dottore found themselves finally working on the thing they said they would do. Thought Y/n was only observing, watching while her boss found great pleasure and enjoyment from ripping bodies apart in front of her. It amazed her at what strength he had, and how much self-control he had.

She knew that if he lost complete control over his strength, her body would indeed be torn in two. For some reason, she like that idea more than she knew she should.

"Y/n, love, hand me that pan over there."

She was snapped out of her thoughts, focusing on Dottore. He was holding a tangled mess of guts; she was pretty sure she spotted a lung in the mixture. She nodded, reaching over and giving him the pan.

The cluster of insides landed inside the pan with a sickening slap, the doctor humming to himself like what he was doing wasn't anything strange. It kind of scared her, but the deepest part of her mind, way back in the catacombs, were fascinated. She was curious on what to do with the mostly empty body, she wanted to know what was next in the experiment.

Y/n found herself moving closer to the body, stepping into the pools of dead man's blood on the floor under the operation table. It dripped off the sides, though the flow of the blood greatly decreased since most of the organs were removed. She knew that if she looked into the pan now, there would already be a puddle of blood, soaking the contents of the pan.

Dottore's hands were working on pulling out the rest of the organs, i.e., the other half of the lung, the heart, and eventually, the brain. He had to save the best for last. He crudely pulled out the other half of the lung, inspecting it briefly before tossing it onto the ground. He muttered something about it being useless.

Before he could reach in and pull out the heart, watching as the muscle holding the heart in place turn tense as he grabbed the unbeating mass and pulled, Y/n grabbed it first. He watched carefully as she pulled it out with ease, similar to how he would pull it out, except faster, with more force. His eyes narrowed behind his mask. He wanted to do that.

"Is this good?" She held it out, her once clean hand now covered and dripping in blood. The blood dripped back into the now empty body, landing with a plunk! "I noticed you threw away half the lung. Was this man a smoker or something?"

"The heart is good, give it here." It landed into his open palm with a splat. "He had cancer in that lung. He would've died without my interference, but where's the fun in that?"

Y/n hummed a response, watching as he dropped the heart into the pan with the other organs. He turned his focus over to the ribcage. Somehow, Dottore had gotten all the organs out without messing with the ribcage. It told Y/n that he had plans for the cage, and for the brain. He left that bit alone.

"Now I need some ruin guard machine parts." He tapped his bloody finger onto his chin. "There should be some in that cabinet over there, can you go check?"

"Of course." She turned around, quickly finding the cabinet labeled "MECH PARTS." When she opened it, however, it was nearly empty. She frowned. He wasn't going to like this.

"It's almost empty, Dottore."

"I'm aware." He sighed. "Just get me what's left, I'll gather more parts later."

Y/n didn't respond, returning to the operation table with some ruin parts in her hands. She placed them on the table beside the doctor, organizing them by what they looked like. Some looked more complex than others, while the more basic ones looked like a simple cog. 

Dottore pulled his arm out of the body, looking over at the somewhat organized mess of ruin parts. "I need that one, and that one." He pointed briefly, sticking his arm and hand back into the dead body.

She picked up the parts he pointed at, hoping she got them right. Returning to her spot on the other side of the operation table, she handed the parts he needed to him when his hand became free of the body's grasp. Half the time he grumbled, shoving the piece in half-hazardly, moving it around in the chest cavity until something clicked. The other half he was simply putting the pieces aside.

Y/n noticed these pieces were typically smaller than the rest, with the largest piece being no bigger than her hand.

Eventually, Dottore stopped with his adventure inside the dead man's chest. He pulled out his arm, now covered with a thick layer of dried and half-dried blood, wiped off the hand portion of the blood covered limb and grabbed the bone saw. This was the first time he had grabbed the damned thing since they began.

"Are you moving to the brain?" Y/n asked. She knew it was stupid question, but she wanted to move sure.

He paused, his finger hovering over the button to start the bone saw. "...Yes."

He pressed the button, the bone saw starting up quickly. He tossed a mask towards Y/n, the female catching it and putting it on quickly, just as he pressed the saw against the forehead of the corpse.

The sound was high-pitched, and oh so very annoying. She wanted to cover her ears, but she knew that wasn't really going to do anything against the noise. Dottore dragged the blade across the forehead, cutting cleanly through the skull. Soon, the top part of the corpse skull fell off, hitting the floor.

He caught the brain before it could fall out, moving the operation table so that the corpse was now leaning at an angle of which he could easily operate. He pulled the cart that contained all the small parts he couldn't use in the chest cavity and began to connect the parts together, the brain fusing together with the machine on contact.

It was rather interesting for Y/n. She had no idea that ruin machine parts and human tissue could so easily become one. It might be because of Dottore's powers, or sheer strength, but regardless of that matter, it was impressive. She found herself staring that newly made brain, now more mechanical than flesh, watching as the brain tissue twitched and spasmed.

Dottore chuckled. "It worked. Though it's not going to last long." He pointed to a different cabinet, this one on the other side of the room. "Get me the tiny vial in the topmost drawer, it should be the thing that glowing blue and green. Go, quickly."

"Yes, sir."


Y/n only smiled. She reached the new cabinet in a few quick steps, opening the drawer and grabbing the vial. Dottore took it from her, shoving it into the brain with such force she was sure that the glass on the thing was crushed. He pulled out the vial, now empty.

The two of them watched as the new and bloody creation they made twitch and convulse. Her eyes flicked to her boss, noticing his grin was growing bigger and bigger by the second. He looked quite pleased about himself.

It was alive, yet not. It wasn't the perfect creation, yet it was the point. It couldn't die.

Now all that remained, is finding out why Pantalone wanted an army.

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