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Her room wasn't what she imagined, but it wasn't what she expected either. She didn't even know what she expected. It was furnished, but it had so few furniture, it just seemed like a throwaway room that the people of the house made in hurry. Like they just threw in a bed and dresser and called it a day.

Not that she was complaining, she only brought things that didn't need anything more than that. There was a door in the corner of the room, and she could only guess as to what it lead too. Y/n hoped it would lead to a bathroom, as finding one in such a house without a guide would prove very problematic. But, if such door didn't lead to a bathroom, and lead to something else, she would have to leave it alone.

She didn't want to die so quickly.

She put her suitcase on the bed, making a mental note to unpack it when she had the chance. Walking over to the door, she raised her fist and knocked on it, hearing nothing on the other side but a hollow sound. That meant that the door actually lead to something, and it wasn't just a decoy of sorts. She tried the handle.


Y/n stepped away, defeated. The door wasn't meant for her eyes, though she knew her curiosity would slowly kill her because of this. She would just have to deal with it for now.

A knock sounded at her own door. She turned to face it as it opened, showing her the child that lead her to her room in the first place. He held a plate of food in his hands, and he didn't look very happy to be here.

"Dinner." He said, putting it on the ground. He left without saying a word. Y/n rushed to the door and opened it, peaking her head out into the hallway. She saw his pale blue hair and small frame walking down the hallway.

Might as well try to make friends in this place right?

"Thank you!" She shouted, watching as he disappeared around the corner. He didn't seem to have a reaction to her kindness, and she didn't expect him too. She closed the door and picked up the plate, eyeing the food that was on it.

It didn't look very good, like the food that was served for the soldiers in the Fatui camps out in the rest of Teyvat. She knew how that tasted all too well. But she knew better than to complain, she as much as she could handle without throwing it back up. After forcing it down her throat, she grimaced at the sharp aftertaste.

Ugh, the taste was the same as she remembered. It was something along the lines of wet socks, oatmeal, mold, and rotten apples that really wanted her to not eat any more. People in the army learned not to question how she could tell the taste of this slop.

She put the plate down on top of the dresser, which reminded her of her suitcase. She had a feeling she would need new clothes, ones that she didn't mind getting dirty tomorrow. Y/n hoped that it wasn't something along the lines of dissecting something, or removing a body off the premises, but she would just have to work with whatever she got.

It's not like she had much of a choice.

She made her way over to her suitcase and started unpacking. Making sure to put her different clothes in different piles, she put them in their respective places in the drawer. This task was done quickly, as she didn't have much clothes to begin with. She did make sure to leave her pajamas out on the bed for later, she didn't want to change now and be needed for something bloody later.


Y/n awoke in the morning, confused at her surroundings. The universe blessed her with a few moments of bliss before panic fully ensued. She didn't remember where she was until she was damn near ready to throw open her door and demand to speak with the owner of the house.

All the memories from the night before flooded her mind, almost giving her a headache. She mumbled under her breath and looked down at her clothes. They were the same from last night, which told her that she indeed, was not needed at all.

A knock sound at her door. She had a feeling it was that child again.

"Just a minute." She said, grabbing her uniform from the dresser. She was barely able to finish putting it on before the door opened. The person who opened it wasn't the child, like she was used too, but in fact an adult. He wore a mask strikingly similar to the mask she saw on that night. Was it really just a few days ago? It seemed longer.

"We don't have any longer." He snapped. Okay, maybe this wasn't the same person. That person from that night was nicer, but maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Maybe he was a different person? A clone? If she recalled, Dottore was well known for having copies of himself. It would explain the attitude of that child from the night before.

Nonetheless,she need to focus on survival. "Of course, my apologies." Y/n said, bowing slightly.

"Come with me, quickly now." He turned and left the room, leaving the door open. She followed quickly, not wanting to be on his bad side too long. She made sure to keep her footsteps quiet.

The man slowed his pace, much to her surprise. It reminded her of that night again. Unknowingly, her hand went her pocket, exactly where the vial was.

It became her safe spot, her safe thing. She felt the shape of it through her uniform, and she immediately calmed down.

He glanced at her, noticing her form relax as soon as she touched something in her pocket. He wanted to ask, but considering the conditions that she is under, he didn't want her to think he was crazier than what the rumors said. Even if it was just to see her reaction.

Even the Doctor himself had standards.

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