A few more questions were asked, and Max tried to answer them all, but it was so difficult to concentrate on it.

"I think I got the most important things," the officer said finally, "just need the medical report to add to the file,"

"Can we do it somewhere in private?" the doctor asked, looking at Christian, who glanced at Bradley.

"You can do it in my bedroom," Bradley answered, pointing towards the door.

"That's great. Now Max, do you want anyone to come with you?" the doctor asked, looking at Max. He swallowed dryly and glanced at Bradley, wondering if the man would be okay with going.

He really didn't want to be alone with the doctor right now, but on the other hand, he didn't know if Bradley was willing to go and hear him whine. He probably would think Max was a cry baby, complaining about a little spanking.

"Do you want me to come?" Bradley asked, when Max shyly stared at him, seemingly unable to form the words.

To be honest, he was surprised that Max actually wanted someone near. Unable to form the words, Max nodded, once again lifting the stuffed bunny ear to his mouth, missing the normal weight that hung from it. God, he really missed bunny right now.

Taking Max his other hand, Bradley guided him to the bedroom, closing the door behind them and the doctor. They heard some rumour coming from the other room, when the others started to talk but the doctor turned her attention to Max, and so Bradley ignored the muted voices.

"So, it's your bottom that got hurt, right?" the woman asked, and Max nodded, feeling his nose get stuffed while he tried to hold back the tears. He really shouldn't cry over something this small

"Is owie," he said to the woman.

"Can I see?" she asked, and Max shrugged a little, before nodding, giving his permission. The doctor carefully lowered his shorts, and Max couldn't help but blush when he was standing there with his naked bum and genitals. Shyly, he covered his front end while the doctor asked him to turn around.

Looking at Bradley, he felt the doctor softly touch his bum and when he looked over his shoulder, he could actually see her measure some of the red lines on there. She softly pushed some of the tissue to make sure that she got the entire wound.

Looking at Bradley, he made sound of discomfort, especially when he saw the flash of a picture that was taken and he did his best to just let it happen, to keep his tears to himself and to not try and hide until this all blew over. It was what they expected from him.

A second picture was taken, and he sniffed, feeling a tear leak out and he quickly wiped it away before anyone noticed that he was crying. Bradley had noticed it though, and he got up from where he was sitting, loosely hugging Max in an attempt to comfort him.

"Shh, it's okay. Doctor is nearly done, and then we'll get nice and comfy," Bradley said, petting him softly.

"Just a minute," the doctor said softly, not wanting to distress Max, but knowing that this needed to be done.

"'Kay," Max said leaning against the broad chest that was holding him. It felt nice to be held like that, to have the other man protect him even a little. Oh, he was very much aware that Bradley was paid to take care of him, but ... he could take advantage of that, right?

"Here, this is some cream that works well against bruises and the pain," the doctor said, taking it out of her bag and handing it to Bradley before she left them in the room with just the two of them.

"So, how about we get you in a new diaper?" Bradley said, trying to smile at Max, who shrugged. The blush appeared on his cheeks, knowing that it was something shameful, but Bradley didn't seem to care. Instead, the caregiver went to the bag he had put in the room much earlier, before he had gone out and try to shop for more stuff for Max.

Little MaxieWhere stories live. Discover now