Chapter 3: The New Dragon Slayer

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So Lily Rose is the first of the many dragon slayer children to be seen.

But will all the dragon slayers be as forgiving as Lily?

Lily seemed just as sweet as she was when she was a child.

Mira had convinced her to go get some more rest.

"So she's really a dragon slayer?" Wendy asked as we ate.

"Yeah, she's the Earth Dragon Slayer I trained."

"How many dragon slayers did you train?" Gajeel asked from next to Levy. The two seem to have gotten closer, but they still won't admit they like each other.

"Well let's see, there's you, Natsu, Wendy, Lily, so that's four and then I have six other dragon slayers."

"So there's six other dragon slayers you've trained that you haven't met yet?" Lucy said shocked.

"Yeah..." I frowned and looked at the table.

"Hey it's not your fault." Sting said kissing my cheek.

"Maybe it is, you never know." I said and got up. "I need some air..." I walked away from them and out of the guild.

I didn't care where I was going, I just needed some time for myself.

Lily's POV

The woman named MiraJane helped me back to my bed and I slowly fell asleep.

I remembered training with Jade as a kid.


The rain fell harshly as I followed Jade through the forest.

"Lily, remember that I may be able to train you in the ways of dragon slayer magic, but I can't replace the ones you lost." Her voice was soft and gentle like always.

"But you're my mother now!" I said over the crack of thunder overhead.

"No, I'm not!" She yelled harshly, the ground shaking with her mighty roar. I flinched back. "No matter how long we spend time together, I can never replace your family." She never rose her voice to me... ever.

Turned out the day after that she vanished.

"Jade! Jade!!" I called out for her. Nothing... "JADE!!!"

*flashback/dream over*

I woke up in a cold sweat and looked around. She's here... Jade.

"You're awake!" I looked to my right and saw a girl with blue hair in pigtails and brown eyes sitting there.


"Oh right! I'm Wendy." I smiled lightly.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lily."

"I know, you were another dragon slayer trained by Crystal." I sat up quickly.

"You're a dragon slayer too?!" She nodded.

"I'm a Sky Dragon Slayer." I smiled.

"So is Crystal different from when she was a dragon?" I asked lightly.

"She's the same she was with me, but she could be different for other dragon slayers." She explained.

"Oh okay... So do you think she's be mad if I joined the guild?"

"No, she'd be thrilled if you did!" Wendy said excitedly.

"Alright!" I got up and followed Wendy to Mirajane who gave me a forest green Fairy Tail emblem on my right hand.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail, Lily." Mira said smiling.

"Thank you!" I smiled back.

"So you joined?" I turned and saw Crystal standing there with a happy smile on her face.


"Welcome!" Something bubbled inside of me, she was happy again. I missed the happy smile she had. "Let's go celebrate over dinner." She said grinning from ear to ear.

"Alright! There's so much I want to catch up on and ask you!"

Dragon Slayers (2nd book of Secrets of the Dragons)Where stories live. Discover now