Chapter 2: Lily Rose, the Earth Dragon Slayer

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So the dragon slayers are going to start coming in :)

Shout out to RoseLily3313 because her character is coming in!!!

A few weeks have passed since we came back from the Dragon Realm. Everything was slowly getting back to the way it was and with all my memories back it was easy to live a normal life.

"Hey Crystal!" Wendy called out to me as I locked my apartment door.

"Hey Wendy." I said smiling sweetly.

"Are you heading to the guild?" She asked as we headed downstairs and outside.

"No, I was going to go for a walk in the forest, care to join me?" I asked.


The forest was blooming as spring was starting.

"I love coming here when spring starts, it's always so beautiful."

"Yeah, it really is." The air smelled of flowers, a sweet aroma and... BLOOD?!

"Wendy do you-?" She nodded worried. "Let's go!"

We rushed in the direction of the smell and when we arrived a girl with strawberry blonde hair with a daisy headband in, wearing a flowery dress and silver flats was laying on her back with a bloody wound in her stomach.

"Oh no!" Wendy said rushing to her side. I followed more slowly.

Why did she look so familiar?

"Crystal, we have to get back to the guild!" Wendy said panicking.

"Right!" I put the girl on my back and we started running back to the guild. Neither me nor Wendy said anything until we were inside the guildhall.

"MASTER!!" We yelled. Everyone turned to us as Master Makarov appeared from inside his office.

"What is it?" I gestured to the girl on my back.

"This girl was hurt by something in the woods, please we need to get her into the infirmary." I explained. He nodded and we walked into the infirmary quickly.

I set her down on the bed and finally took a good look at her.

She still looked familiar.

"I'm going to heal her."

Awaken within me dragon of the skies, Grandeeney!

I put my hands up and let them glow as the wound in the girl's stomach slowly closed up.

Her eyes opened slowly. They were a light green.

"W-where am I?" She asked quietly.

"The Fairy Tail guild. You hurt your stomach somehow, do you remember how?" I asked.

"No... I was walking in the forest enjoying the blooming season and then nothing. The only thing I remember after that is waking up here." I nodded gently.

"What's your name?"

"Lily Rose."

"Lily... are you a dragon slayer by any chance?" She seemed shocked.

"How can you tell? I'm an Earth Dragon Slayer."

Lily! I remember her name. She was a tiny little girl when I found her.

"Oh, just a guess. So the dragon Jade raised you correct?" She sat up and gripped her stomach. "Be careful, I can heal your wound, but you still need to rest." I said gently.

"How do you know about Jade?" I frowned and dropped my hands.

"You're all healed. Get some rest, Lily." I stood up and started walking towards the door.

"Please! Tell me who you are!" I turned back to her.

"I'm Crystal, a dragon of every element. I am also your mother, Jade." I muttered and left the room looking down at the floor.

"Hey Crystal, everything alright?" Sting asked pulling me into a hug.

"Did I make a mistake by not telling all my children the truth?" I asked.

"No, stop beating yourself up over it. You didn't remember anything a few weeks ago." I buried my face into his chest.

"Um excuse me, Crystal?" I looked back and saw Lily standing there looking shyly at me.


"You're really Jade?" I smiled lightly.

Awaken within me dragon of the earth, Jade!

My hair changed into a light brown along with my eyes and my outfit was made of flowers.

"Yes I am." She went wide eyed.

"Jade!" She hugged me tightly. "I missed you so much!" I felt the tears running down her face.

"I'm so sorry I left you, Lily. I never wanted to..."

Dragon Slayers (2nd book of Secrets of the Dragons)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن