Chapter 14: 3 Dragon Slayers?!

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Three mysterious people appeared interrupting the Fairy Tail Tournament but who are they and why are they so interested in Crystal?

Wendy's POV

Crystal and Guildarts fight was interrupted by someone shooting Lightning Magic at her.

She flew into a tree and three people appeared in front of her. A boy with white hair and Lightning swirling around his hands.

So he was the one who hit her!

The second one was a girl with black hair, her posture was creepy it was like she wanted nothing more than to kill Crystal right then and there.

The third one looked civilized with brown hair and a suit on.

"Who are those people and why are they crowding Crystal?" Gajeel asked getting up.

"I don't know but I don't like it." I said getting up and I saw Lily coming towards me.

"Those people they have an aura about them that reeks of evil." I nodded at her and looked over to Natsu who nodded to us.

We walked towards the three people.

"Hey! You got a death wish in stopping our Fairy Tail Tournament and attacking one of our own?!" Natsu said cracking his knuckles harshly.

"Awe isn't that sweet. Your other children are protective of you." We all flinched. They're Crystal's dragon slayers too?!

"Wait you're dragon slayers too?" I asked and they all turned to us. They all looked at me with sinister smiles.

"Why yes that's true little girl. I'm Raven the Darkness Dragon Slayer." Raven?! This is the one who uses Forbidden Dark Magic. The one who destroyed that town and all the people in it.

"I'm Luke the Lightning Dragon Slayer." The boy with white hair and golden eyes said. Makes sense.

"And I'm Zevy, the Poison Dragon Slayer." Zevy? If I thought about it, he could have been Levy's brother, but Levy doesn't have a brother or sister.

"Why are you hurting Crystal she's your mother?!" Lily said stepping towards them.

"Because she abandoned us... haven't you felt hatred towards her for leaving all of you behind? This is your chance, kill her and we can all live in peace." Crystal laughed from behind them. "What's so funny, mother." The way Raven said mother was creepy and dark.

"You. You think that anyone will be happy if I'm dead besides you three? All you've done is created a war between you and Fairy Tail." Raven laughed and it was not a fun filled laugh it was menacing and sinister.

"Oh Mother you're going to learn your place. Secret Dark Art: Crushing Hell Chains." Dark chains rose from the ground and wrapped around Crystal's body crushing her tightly.

"AHHHHH!!!!!" Hearing Crystal scream out in pain made us all charge for the three dragon slayers.

"You're not going to hurt her anymore!" We yelled and I jumped into the air with Lily.

"Sky Dragon Roar!"

"Earth Dragon Roar!" The roars rained down on to the dragon slayers.

"Lightning Dragon Roar!!" Luke sent his Lightning Roar at us and we both dodged quickly.

"How can they do this to Crystal?!" Lily said sadly.

"Right now we need to find a way to get her out of those chains before they crush her to death." I said but saw Gajeel had already crushed the chains with his Iron Fists and grabbed Crystal.

"Wendy, Lily, Laxus I need you to get Crystal away and protect her." He called tossing Crystal to Laxus who caught her lightly.

"You got it. Let's go you two." We both nodded and followed him away from the battlefield, all the Fairy Tail wizards started getting involved in the fighting.

"No let me go back, it's my fault please..." Crystal begged Laxus.

"Sorry, but they're trying to kill you, I won't let them." She had tears streaming down her face.

"It's all my fault... if only I had raised her better... she wouldn't be like this... Raven I'm so sorry... I failed you..." Those were the last things she said before passing out.

Poor Crystal, she never asked for this to happen to her. How could they really do that, try and kill their own mother...

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