Chapter 27

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It was dark outside as (Y/N) made her way down Karasuno Avenue, hoping to get this over with. "Can't I just come with you?" Iida had asked. Of course, (Y/N) told him no a thousand times. Not to hurt his feelings, she just couldn't get anyone else wrapped up in this problem. She found herself next to a building and leaned against it, waiting for her company. (Y/N)'s thoughts traveled to her father, who was stuck at home until it was safe. Of course, she had someone keeping an eye on him, but it still worried her. She heard distant breathing from behind her and sighed. "You're late." She said, turning to face the person behind her. "I'm aware, you brat." The man said. It was hard to see in the dark, but he seemed to have shaggy hair and hands gripping his face and arms. "Shigaraki. Now that I've got you alone, let's talk. Like adults." 

(Y/N) didn't say anything and stared at him. "I'm impressed at you, Avatar. You've come here all alone just to meet up with a stranger, a villain. Aren't you afraid?" He asked. "For my friends and family, maybe." She replied. He nodded slowly. "I know what you mean. I'll target them in a heartbeat, but you can prevent that. And I think you know how-"

"For the second time, I'm not joining you. There's got to be something else you want, I wont betray anyone for you." (Y/N) interrupted him. "You will once you realize the truth. Whether you want to or not, you're one of us. We're your family now, so don't put up a fuss-" The man got louder and took a step forward, portraying his frustration. (Y/N) took a step towards him as well.

"You've given me no reason to respect you right now. Change my mind or I'm walking away." The two glared at each other for what seemed like several minutes. He paused for a moment at her words and stepped back. "Your father was one of the good people, who will die early from being too noble. I see him in you, but you're not as passive. Still, unless you've got something they want, who in this messed up society will be there for you when everyone you love is gone?"

'Not much of anyone....' She thought. "I know you're thinking it. And I'm sorry that you've had no choice but to accept the truth of this cruel world. But I had to long before you did, and I've made it this far." Shigaraki said. "Why did you want to talk with me? What is this about?" (Y/N) asked. She could barely believe it when she felt his pulse stay regular this whole time. No lying, no bad intentions behind it. So far.

"You're special, and I want people like you to change this world for the better, right along with me. But getting on your bad side isn't something I want to do, I'm not quite suicidal yet. All I'm asking is that when you hit rock bottom...You remember that you can't trust just anyone. You don't even have to trust me. But you've got a place here. Don't forget me like everyone else has."

(Y/N) was walking back home, his words playing in her head. 'Change the world for the better...?' Someone caught up with her and interlocked their arm with hers. "You don't think he saw me, right?" Toka asked. "Don't think so. I'm glad you were there just in case anything went down. I seriously owe you one." (Y/N) said. Her friend gasped and his eyes widened. "Can we get steamed kohlrabi? I've always wanted to try it!"

The girl gave him a small smile and nodded. "Anything." They walked a little longer before she slumped over on a bench. "H-hey, I'm pretty sure you keep going this way...?" Toka said. "Tired..." She replied, closing her eyes. "HEY YOU CAN'T SLEEP HERE, YOU KNOW!" He began to panic, waving his hand in front of her face. "It's Black History Month, I'll be fine..." 
"(N/N)...? (Y/N)...?"


(Y/N) opened her eyes slowly and flinched as she felt arms around her waist. 'When did I get in here...?'  She was in her pajamas and everything, even her bonnet was on. She felt someone's breath against her shoulder and turned her head to see who it was. "Iida...?" His eyes fluttered open. "Flower..." She felt her heartbeat race and cleared her throat, ignoring it. "W-where'd you come from?" 

"Your friend brought you here while you were asleep, he looked seconds away from having a heart attack. Luckily Ochaco was still awake and got you in your pajamas before you could notice anything." He replied, staring at her. "What happened?"

"...Who in this messed up society will be there for you when everyone you love is gone?"

(Y/N) put her hands on both sides of the boy's face. "It doesn't matter now. Thank you for being here with me, Tenya." He blushed and nodded his head. "Of course, (Y/N)."

The morning came quicker than anticipated and the school week started. "Welcome to your second week of Tutoring, Class 1-A. As you all may know, Pheonix and The Moon Ray had to go on a brief break from attending, but they're back now-"

Iida grabbed (Y/N)'s hand gently and squeezed it. She looked up at him in confusion. "What's wrong?" He shook his head in his helmet. "Just making sure you're still there..." She squeezed his hand back and shushed him. "You're gonna distract me from my favorite lecture." 

He covered his mouth to prevent getting caught laughing. Aizawa continued on. "-And one thing I know for sure is that this class has advanced far more than expected of you. Pat yourselves on the back, because we won't be going easy on you anymore. Who's up for the challenge?"

"We are, Sensei!"


Aang and (Y/N) sat next to each other in the park, preferring to lay on the grass rather than on a park bench. He rested his head on her stomach while she lay on her back, staring up at the blue sky. "Hey (N/N). Guess what I'm thinking." He said, having played this game with her many times in their early childhood. "Uhh, Katara." He rolled his eyes. "Besides Katara." (Y/N) giggled and poked him. "Food, then." He nodded and pointed to her. "Now think of something so I can guess."

She paused for a moment before humming in amusement. "Okay, guess." 
"Iida~" He said, wiggling his eyebrows at her. She rolled her eyes as well and pushed his face away. "Oh look, you win." Aang laughed and his face fell suddenly, and his eyes went to the ground. (Y/N) noticed this. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Please promise you'll still be my best friend after I leave. I can still come visit and you can visit me, but...We still might drift apart. You wouldn't let that happen, right?" (Y/N) felt tears prick the corner of her eyes, but refused to let them fall. "You know I wouldn't." 
He smiled and looked back up at her. "Promise?" 

The girl smiled back and clasped her hands around his. "With all of my heart, I will always be your friend. Promise."

(A/N): Almost done. 

Pretty Flower ✿~ (Tenya Iida x Black Fem! Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon