Chapter 6

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(A/N): Sup mommies and daddies- (please don't sue me 💀)
Sit back, relax, grab some snacks. Go ahead and get some M&M's, strawberry milk (yes 😩) and a chocolate chip cookie-

 Go ahead and get some M&M's, strawberry milk (yes 😩) and a chocolate chip cookie-

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~on with the storyyy~

(Y/N) decided to spar with Izuku first, choosing to use air for this fight. Iida, Ururaka and Asui sat from afar and watched. Getting into a fighting stance, (Y/N) waited until Ochaco blew the whistle to begin the match. "Wait, you have to shake each other's hands first! For good sportsmanship!"

Sighing, Izuku and (Y/N) shook each other's hands and returned back to their stances. 

"Oh, and remember you can use your quirks if you want!" Iida shouted. As soon as Ochaco blew the whistle, the fight began. Putting her hands up, (Y/N) devised a plan in her head. She took a few steps forward, making sure both feet were forward.

She looks so focused...Iida thought.

Izuku came forward, getting ready to land a punch, but (Y/N) dodged it and jumped behind him. Her back was against his as he frantically looked around for her, seeing that she had disappeared.

The others on the sidelines couldn't contain their laughter.

(Y/N) giggled, making Iida's heart absolutely leap. This continued on for another few seconds before (Y/N) pushed up against his back, making him stumble forward. Izuku turned and landed a kick to her side, but it didn't do much damage. Ending the match,
(Y/N) swept the air from under his feet, knocking him down at last.

Iida stood up and applauded her, cheering the loudest out of everyone. Izuku lay on the ground, laughing. "That was awesome, (L/N)!"

(Y/N) pulled him back up on his feet and bowed. "I was just having fun, thank you Midoryia." Izuku nodded and got a drink of water. (Y/N) heard other voices behind her and turned, seeing Bakugo, Ashido, Todoroki, Kirishima and Kaminari all walking towards them. Bakugo set down his duffle bag and pointed at her. "You're gonna spar with me, idiot!" Tenya frowned as (Y/N) looked up at him confused. "Says who?"

"Says me, Raindrop! Are you scared?" Bakugo replied. (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows. "Please."

"Let's just fight already, twinkle-toes!"

Iida was about to stand up and protest, but (Y/N) put a hand up to stop him. "Sorry, it's time for me to go."

(Y/N) stood up and walked away. Izuku, Ochaco, Tsuyu and Todoroki all followed, ignoring the arrogant blonde. Halfway home, Tenya gently took Y/N's hand. She looked up at him, causing him to blush slightly. "I-I just wanted to know if you were okay...You seemed pretty out of it."

Tsuyu spoke up. "Yeah, you've been awfully quiet, ribbit."

(Y/N) sighed. "I'm fine, really. I'm just ready to go home. It's been a long day."
Izuku and Ochaco nodded. "Are you excited for the Sports Festival?" The pink-cheeked girl asked. (Y/N) shrugged. "I'm actually a little nervous. I've never done something like that before."

Todoroki sighed. "It'll be tough, but honestly, I think you've got this in the bag."

The (s/c) skin girl shook her head. "Nah, not really."

Tenya then took both of her hands, looking her in the eyes. "I think you shouldn't doubt yourself, you've got great potential. And think we can all agree that you'll do just fine, if not amazing!"

He's so close...

"That's exactly right!" Izuku said. Ochaco nodded. "Yeah!"

(Y/N) smiled. "Thank you all." She finally made it to her house, letting herself in with the key. She opened the door, but then looked back at her friends. "Do you guys wanna...come in?" They all nodded eagerly.

Second person pov:

You called your mom and she agreed to let you and your friends crash.
Once inside, you let out your pet and had to yell at Todoroki to take his shoes off. Your friends flopped onto the couch and felt relaxed, loving how good your house smelled. Tenya then lifted his head. "Where is your friend Toka?"

"Oh, he's at home right now, I didn't get to say goodbye because his dad picked him up early." You replied. Todoroki smiled softly. "Are you"

Tenya looked at you and felt jealousy rise up in him, waiting for you to answer. You just laughed. "No, he's been one of my best friends since we were little."

Tenya felt a wave of relief wash over him, but it didn't go unnoticed. Izuku and Ochaco looked at each other and smirked. Tsuyu reached down to pet Bosco, who was busy trying to bite at her feet. You smiled. "I think he likes you, Asui!" She looked up and smiled. "I'm glad! And you can just call me Tsu."

"And you can just call me Shoto."

"You can call me Ochaco, as well!"

"Just Izuku works for me, or even Deku!"

"Uhhh...Are you sure?" You asked. You didn't know much Japanese, but you were pretty sure the word "Deku" was more of an insult than a name. Izuku nodded. "Um...okay then."

"And you can call me Tenya. What should we call you?"

You sat down on the arm chair that was in your living room. "Call me (Y/N). Friends can call me (N/N)."

Everyone smiled and nodded, agreeing to calling you either one of those. Your phone started ringing, forcing you to get up and reach for it up on the kitchen counter. It was Toka, and you happily answered. "Hello?" You said. He had a serious look on his face. "(Y/N), you might wanna see what's on the news right now."

You glanced at your friends, who shared the same confused look with one another. "Uh, okay..." You replied, grabbing the remote and switching on the television. Your eyes widened as soon as you pressed on the news.

"Hero Killer "Stain" strikes again, this time injuring the two beloved heroes, Pheonix and The Moon Ray."
You felt your heart drop.

"W-what?" Izuku said, Ochaco covering her mouth with her hands.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." Toka said.

A single tear fell down your face as you realized what had happened. Tenya put a hand on your shoulder."What's wrong? (Y/N), who are they?"

You looked at him with teary eyes, completely breaking his heart in two. "My parents."

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