Chapter 21

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My funky little hiatus has now passed and I hope to update regularly again, so don't worry! Writer's block can't stop me when I got the power of God and anime on my side. (please forgive me, i am so sorry for that joke-)

Also, some of yall might have noticed that I insert music and little character covers in most of my chapters, but someday this genius brain is gonna run outta fuel (croissants and apple juice aint gonna keep me 100% forever, you know-)

Sooo lemme know what you guys wanna see and what you wanna hear! I don't always have good taste in music, VERY RARELY I might fumble.

And with that, sit back, relax, grab some snacks! Thanksgiving was bussin this year at my house, so yall go ahead and get some potato salad (the LITERAL, obviously some turkey and for dessert, a scoop of butter pecan ice cream and some sweet potato pie. (shuddup about pumpkin, ya nasties)

I swear pumpkin pie is nothing but baby food, grow up yall (I'm jokin of course...kind of)

~on with the story~

There was an urgent knock at the door, making (Y/N) jump. Her cousin Sokka gave her look from the living room, gesturing her to go get the door. She held back a sigh and stood up from the dining room table, making her way to the door as the knocks kept on coming. "Alright, alright, keep it your pants."  She was glad to be back home for the week to spend time with her family, but other students wouldn't leave her alone either.

She opened the door and raised an eyebrow when she saw Iida. "Hi?"

He looked alarmed, his hair falling in all different places and his school uniform loose and un-tucked. "(L/N), we've got 10 minutes, get dressed!"

(Y/N) looked back at Sokka and he shrugged. 'Love ya Sokka...' 

"Dressed for what? It's Saturday-" Iida shook his head violently. "Friday." She gave him a blank look while the wheels turned in her head. "Wait...Does that mean-?"

"That we're late for school? Like, so terribly late? Yes, yes it does." (Y/N) gasped and turned to scramble upstairs. "GIVE ME TWENTY SECONDS-!"

Iida sighed and smiled softly, waiting at the door.  "Come in, boy." A voice said. Sokka sat the table and held his hands in front of him, waving him over. 'How did he get over there-' Tenya cleared his throat and closed the door behind him. "Let's conversate, young man."

"Actually, the proper grammar is converse-"

"Hey, you know that thing that you did just now? That thing with your mouth?" The boy asked. Iida gulped and looked around nervously. "Uhm...talking?"

"Yeah, that. Stop all that, otay?" 

Iida nodded. Sokka smirked and flicked him in the forehead. "I'm just playing! But seriously though, I'm not finna beat around the bush. Can ya'll two just make out already?"
Tenya's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by someone rushing down the stairs. "IIDA, LES BOUNCE-"

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