Chapter 22

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Merry Christmas, everyone! Eat ya vegetables today ☝️😃

Just kidding... Am I?-

Today, you get this picture from me:

Today, you get this picture from me:

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Happy New Chrysler


"Alright, let's get started!" Aizawa said, dismissing the classmates to their new duties. Asui, Ochaco, Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, Ojiro and Ashido all made their way to the right side of the arena to work on medicine. Mina groaned and stomped her way over to the first aid table. "This is wack, we should be out there first!" The second batch of students were sent out to do the search and rescue simulation with Ms. Joke and Pheonix, (Y/N)'s mother.

"Hey, learning first aid is important, too!" Momo said, and Ojiro nodded. "I agree. The Moon Ray's going to be helping us, too. Apparently, water benders can be healers." Mina rolled her eyes and kept quiet.

Waiting at the table was Recovery Girl and The Moon Ray, (Y/N)'s father. He smiled and waved the class over. Ready for first aid, everyone? He signed.

He saw their confused looks and sighed. "Are you ready?" He managed to say. They all nodded. "Good." Recovery Girl said. She brought out two containers of medicine and set it out in front of them. "One of these contains a medicine with herbs that heal and sooth wounds, multiple kinds, and it can be digested as well. Scratches, burns and bruises are the most common. But the other is a deadly substance, one that cannot be digested or used on human skin in any way. But you all are going to tell me which it is."

The students gasped and murmured among themselves. Mina squeaked and elbowed Momo. "How are we supposed to do this?" 

"You will determine which is the medicine and which is the deadly substance by smell, weight and reaction to certain material. And when you are confident in your answer, you will give it to me. To consume."



"Avatar (Y/N), we need your help over here!" A voice called out. In this simulation they were required to call each other by their hero names. (Y/N) perked up and ran over quickly to the voice that called her. There was debris and screaming everywhere, enough to drive a person into stress. "Here I am, what's up?" Jiro was standing near a fallen rock and looked distressed. "There's someone under there, but I don't know how to get this boulder up. Help me?"

She nodded. "Of course." She used her earth bending to lift the rock up with ease, revealing two kids huddled against each other. "Hey guys. Anyone hurt?" She asked. One kid nodded and pointed to his knee, which was scraped. (Y/N) and Jiro glanced at each other before chucking softly. "Well, this here is Earphone Jack, and she's coming to get you. Okay?" They nodded. The two knew that these were just actors being paid to act like victims, but it felt real. 'No wonder why she looked so nervous...'  (Y/N) thought as Jiro reached in and grabbed the kids. She set them down gently on the ground and gave the signal for (Y/N) to let the boulder fall back into place. 

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