the ghost of you.

Start from the beginning


"I know, I'm sorry."

"No. Mark, you lost me and you're grieving me. You miss me."

"And he always understood that. He even listened to me talking about you ! He was there for me the whole time and helped me get through this. Even tho I still miss you terribly, I can laugh again. I can think about you without my heart ripping into pieces. I even visited you with him."

"I know. Thank you for visiting again."

"I'm sorry for not showing up often.. I just can't bring myself to go to your grave all by myself and you know that I hate it when people see me cry so I don't go when Yi and the others visit you."

"But you came with Vee."

"I didn't really broke down when he was with me and-"

Mark stopped as he saw the smile on his boyfriends face.

"What ?"

"You're whipped."

"Yes.. I am." Mark answered with a small smile and tears in his eyes.

"Mark, you have to talk to Vee. Tell him everything you feel and think. Tell him that you love him and that he helped you get over me. Tell him that you're sorry for hurting him and tell him that you want to start over again. That you need him. I want you to be happy and live a life that makes you regret nothing. I want you to grow old with Vee and tell your grandkids about me and how good looking I was."

Mark chuckled through his tears.

"I never thought that I would talk about another boy with my boyfriend."

"What can I say.. I'm pretty chill."

"Yeah you are." Mark laughed out.

Smiling at each other, Mark sighed.

"I'm not dreaming am I ?"

"Oh darling.." Nuea began, smiling at Mark and stroking the youngers cheek.

"Of course you are. I am not really here my dear."

Marks little smile faded as he stared into the others eyes.

"You're not ?"

"I am not. And you know that."

"Yeah, I somehow knew."

"You fell asleep in school again."

Nuea smiled at Mark.

"Why did you disappear after your funeral ?" Mark finally had the courage to ask.

"You know that I wasn't really there, right? It was your imagination baby."

"But it felt real."

"Does this feel real ?" Nuea whispered and moved closer and closer until his lips touched Marks.

The young boys kissed back instantly.

Feeling Nueas lips on his made him go crazy after all this time.

"why am I only dreaming of you now?"

"Vee was with you."

"I know but I wanted to see you."

"Vee was by your side."

"Yes, but I wanted to see you again!"

Nuea smiled gently at Mark.

"But I wasn't alone.." Mark whispered now, realizing what Nuea meant.

"Vee was always there for you."

🍂The Night We Met. // VeeMark Story Where stories live. Discover now