Chapter 16

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Takemichi slowly opened his eyes and tried to adjust to the light.

The first thing he saw was a blurry figure of a person standing in front of him. But as time pass, the figure became clearer until he can see Kirito's eagle-like eyes staring back at him.


Takemichi tried to speak but Kirito quickly hushed him.

"Shh... don't speak yet... just rest for a moment..."

Kirito said in a soothing tone while smiling softly.

Takemichi tried to remember what happens but his mind was foggy.

'Why can't I remember...?'

Takemichi thought to himself, feeling confused. He stared at the young man in front of him. He felt the familiarity but he can't remember anything even if he tried to.

Kirito smiled watching the ocean blue eyes dilated in confusion.

"You have a rough night, Mitchi"

Kirito said, caressing his hand gently.

"You're safe now though... We won't let anything happen to you anymore..."

Takemichi, unable to looked away from the handsome man in front of him - smiled weakly, feeling reassured by Kirito's words.

But deep down, he was still confused and scared.

'What happened to me? Why can't I remember anything?'

Takemichi thought, feeling a sense of unease.

As if sensing Takemichi's thoughts, Kirito leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on his lips. At first, Takemichi was taken aback, but he soon found himself responding to the kiss.

Kirito's lips were gentle but passionate, and Takemichi felt himself losing control. He dug his fingers into Kirito's hair, pulling him closer as their kiss deepened.

In that moment, Takemichi didn't care about his lost memories or the danger lurking around them. All he wanted was the man before him.

As they broke the kiss, Kirito looked into his eyes with a tender expression.

"I have feelings for you, Mitchi. I care about you deeply and I want to protect you."

Takemichi felt a warmth spread through his chest as he looked back at Kirito.

"I--" "Takemitchy!"

Takemitchi's suddenly eyes widened in surprised then it changes to pain. There seems to be a memory of a blurry figure trying to force it's way in to his mind, causing an unbearable pain.


Takemichi thought, gritting his teeth in agony.

Kirito quickly noticed the pain in Takemichi's eyes and he knew what to do.

He reached for a syringe filled with a blue liquid and inject it into Takemichi's arm.

Takemichi relaxes instantly as the pain slowly fades away.

"Thank you," Takemichi said, feeling grateful for Kirito's help.

"It's my job to take care of you," Kirito replied with a smile.

Takemichi still couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty and confusion, but he knew he was safe with Kirito. For now, he decided to trust him until he could find out what happened to him and who was the blurry figure trying to invade his memories.

He leaned his head against Kirito's chest and closed his eyes, feeling at peace for the first time in a long while.


Colonello prepared 15 submarines for everyone to ride on.

The chase began.

Mikey was on the leading submarine together with Senju and Draken.

The rest of the members board the other submarines.

They were eager to find the submarine and the people who kidnap their crybaby hero, Takemichi.

The sea was calm, but the tension was high as they sailed deeper into the open ocean. Colonello navigated the submarine expertly, following the signal they traced from the last known location of Takemichi's kidnappers.

They could feel the adrenaline rush as they caught a glimpse of the submarine they were after. It was a race against time as they gave chase, but the kidnappers were not going down without a fight.

The team came under attack as the kidnappers launched missiles at them. It was a fierce battle, with the sound of explosions echoing in the deep waters. The brahman fought back with all their might, using the skills they have and available weapons to take down the enemy.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the team managed to get their hands on the enemy's submarine. But to their dismay, they found out that it was just a decoy. The kidnappers had tricked them and managed to escape, taking Takemichi with them.

The team was devastated. They thought that they had finally found their crybaby hero, but it turned out to be a dead-end. They returned to shore, feeling defeated and hopeless.

But they knew that they couldn't give up. They had to continue their search until they found Takemichi and brought him back home. The thought of their beloved friend and leader suffering at the hands of his captors was unbearable.

So they regrouped and made a new plan, determined to find Takemichi and bring him back no matter what it takes. The hunt for their crybaby hero continued, fueled by their love and loyalty for their friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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