Chapter 3

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3The Untold Life of Hanagaki Takemichi

Tokyo Revengers Fanfic(Manga)


• ⚠Contains Spoilers⚠
• Use of words/curses/Gang
• Yaoi/Bl/Harem
• Grammars/Pronunciation/Spellings
• Everyone is a simp (Takemichi simp)

Chapter 3

A kiss

Takemichi never thought he can experience these emotions on the higher scale - the annoyance and irritation developing gradually with in him as days passes by. It was like leeches sticking on him wherever he goes and sucked his patience unruly.
He has an impassive look on his face while staring at the alleyway ahead of him. He felt multiple presences and the faint sounds of footsteps following from behind. A tick mark appear in his forehead and close his eyes, taking a deep breath before turning his head.
A quiet and deserted alleyway welcome him making him frown deeply. His friends hide ‘oh so well’. So excellent that even Angry’s blue curled hair and Draken’s broad shoulder are seen visibly on one of the skirt.

This was the mainly reason as to why he felt so annoyed and irritated on the past few days that passed till now. His friends was stalking him ‘secretly’ every god damn seconds. Sometimes one or mostly two of them will show up casually inviting him to hang out with them.

This is great. So great.
He really wanted to shout at them and tell them to stop following him like a sickly stalkers every damn minute.
“God. Damn it! I can’t move forward if they’re acting like this..!” Takemichi muttered to himself and sighed inwardly.

He glance at the place where his friends were hiding before deciding to continue his walk.
Again, he felt their presence following him.
If you may ask why he is walking in the deserted alleyway ‘alone’ – it was because he’s meeting up with someone today.
And thus he need to come up with a plan in order to deceive and mislead his ‘stalkers’.
Takemichi saw some delinquents gathering at the entrance of an abandoned building. An idea emerge on his mind making his lips curved widely.
He walked straightly towards those men and waved at them like he knew them which is actually not. The delinquents looked at him in confusion but waved back since Takemichi was smiling too brightly and find themselves unable to refused the gesture.
Takemichi heard some faint groans from behind him and laugh inwardly. He halted at their front and committed his idea.

“Hi! Uhm… Can I ask for help?” Takemichi stared at them with unshed tears on his eyes. The men gawked at the sight and gulped, nodding their heads stupidly.

“Yes, yes.. you can..… how can we help you cutie?” The bald man which Takemichi believe was the boss of them asked.
Takemichi wipe his fake tears and turn his head at his back and found his friends in the middle of the way frozen at their places with shock faces. He want to laugh at their reaction but suppressed himself.

“They’re stalking me, I don’t even know who they were… I’m scared please help me!” Takemichi covered his face using his hands while making crying sounds.
He heard the men snorted in anger and their footsteps walked to his front to shield him from his ‘stalkers’.
“Don’t worry cutie! We’ll protect you!” one of the delinquents yelled. Takemichi nodded and muttered a faint ‘Thank you’ to the man.
When all of them faced the ‘stalkers’ Takemichi peek a glance at his friends and grin widely showing out his tongue at them. His ‘stalkers’ gave him a look disbelief which is enough to satisfy Takemichi.

“A payback” He said with no voice coming out but he saw them widen their eyes it means that they are an excellent lip readers.

“Takemitchy~” Chifuyu yelled, frustrated.

“All of you! How dare you stalking this cutie here! Do you have any shame at yourselves?” The leader shouted.

Takemichi tried to restrain his laughter. His friends attention was already directed to the leader.
Takemichi thought this was the perfect time to run, started running – entering another alleyway. He heard Hakkai called his name at the background but he knew the delinquents can held them back well at least a minute and it is already enough.
He continued to ran till he entered another alleyway- a cold wind suddenly surprised him and brushed through his skin causing  him to shivered harshly.
He stopped and panted heavily with his hands on his knees. He stood straightly and wipe his sweats using his hands.
A hand suddenly grab his right wrist and dragged him harshly. Takemichi shuddered and tried to broke free from the hold but failed terribly, the man tighten his hold on his wrist. He winced in pain and starting to reminisce the earlier events instantly regretting all if it.

‘Please…. Someone help me..!’

Takemichi stared at his abductor while sobbing. He was scared to death. An image of him getting shot to death flashed before his eyes and then suddenly remembered Mikey.
He was too scared to fight but he don’t want to die here either. He still need to save Mikey.

“Wah!” He gasped loudly when his abductor pinned him in a wall rather cruelly. His hand was also pin above him, ocean baby blue eyes widen when his abductor intertwined their hand and clench it tightly.

Takemichi narrowed his eyes to his abductor but since it was too dark he can’t recognized it. Only the length of the other’ hair can he remarked.

They’ve been in that situation for almost half an hour and its making him feel awkward. He should be afraid but his insides were already calming down and he had a gutsy feeling that this person will never hurt or kill him.

“Uhm… H-hello…?” He asked, looking at the other direction.
The person didn’t responded making him groaned inwardly. If this person will never talk to him so he might as well right?
Being pin in the wall is fine though but remembering their intertwined hands makes his face heated up and heart thumping in indescribable speed rate.

“Takemitchy….” The voice that spoke sounded so husky and focused.

But Takemichi will never forget the familiarity of that voice calling his name as if he was too precious and special to the owner.
He looked straightly. It was dark but as if he can see the other’s features clearly and vividly. Those alluring pair of deep black orbs will stare at him affectionately yet cold at the same time.


There it is again.
Hearing that voice calling his name sooths him.
He want it. All of it.
He want to hug him.
He want to kiss him.
He wanted Mikey so badly that his heart aches for all of his needs.

“Mikey… I--” He was interrupted by Mikey’s stern voice.

“I told you to stay away from the future me didn’t I?”

Takemichi’s eyes widen in shocked. He knew. Mikey knew.


“You keep ignoring my words.. Takemitchy… It was upsetting!” Mikey yelled but not too loudly. His voice was in total pain and Takemichi noticed it and it makes him felt guilty.

“Mikey… You knew?...” Takemichi asked narrowing his eyes.

He sense Mikey nodded slowly so he gasped and covered his mouth with his free hand to show his surprise.

“Really?... But how…?”

“I have a gutsy feeling that you came back…..from the future….” Mikey responded.

Takemichi was taken aback again and tilted his head to the other side but was stopped by Mikey’s other hand.
He crawl his hand to Takemichi’s back and pulled him to him- their bodies now touching he then made their forehead meet- faces almost centimeter away from each other sending both men a shivered of delight. Both stared at each other’s eyes more clearly.

“I’m sorry but I can’t just sit back and watch you falling in the pit of darkness alone… I need to save you that is why I am here…” Takemitchy firmly  said. Eyes beaming in determination. The older one moan as a response. Takemichi widen his eyes and felt his body heated up in unknown manner.

“Takemitchy~” There it is again. Mikey moaned his name again. Takemitchy felt the shivers pleasuring his internal organs . Mikey’s moans were tickling him internally and it made him feel happy.

“W-What’s with that moans!”  Takemichi yelled so softly keeping his swelling heart in control.

“You can’t save me Takemitchy… I want you to forget and move on with out me…” Mikey said coldly.

Takemichi was frozen on the spot. The cozy feeling he just felt a minutes ago were swept away instantly leaving a cold and desolated feeling. He look straight at Mikey’s deep black orbs trying to seek for answers but found nothing.

“I can’t… I can’t picture out a future with out you in it Mikey…” Takemichi stated between his silent sobs. He tried to imagine a future without Mikey yet failed miserably. His heart ache painfully at the sudden thought.
He don’t want that kind of future.
Ocean blue eyes dulled deeply. He stared distantly still trying to picture out the possible futures ‘without’ Mikey.
He cried silently and shook his head harshly.
He need Mikey.
Suddenly, he felt something so soft and mushy that touch his lips causing him to regain his composure quickly and stared wide eyes, trying to process everything and when he did his soul almost leave him.
Mikey was kissing him.
Takemichi felt the world spinning so he close his eyes and wrap his arms around Mikey’s neck.
The older teen also wrap his arms around the younger’s thin waist and pulled him closely.
Mikey then broke the kiss, licking his lips. He stared at the mess he did and feel unsatisfied so he latched his lips again- he bite the younger’s lower lip making him moan and slightly opening his mouth. Mikey took the opportunity to slid his tongue in and roamed around freely.
Takemichi tried to gain dominance but Mikey became more aggressive than before causing him to moan loudly at the kiss.

Mikey broke the kiss again and stared at Takemichi in satisfaction. The ocean blue teen was a blushing mess – his head feels so fuzzy and vague that he can’t think properly anymore. Tears are streaming out of those beautiful blue eyes adoring everything about him.

“Takemitchy… forgave me for doing this… ”

The younger glance at the older teen in utter confusion.
‘What is he talking about?’ Takemichi thought. His eyes narrowed slightly at the boy in front of him.

“Please save me…. My hero…”

Takemichi’s eyes dilated in joy upon hearing those words again from Mikey but eventually raised his eyebrow in confusion when he saw Mikey’s hand went up and meet his back neck.

He continued to look at the black ones. He is trying his hardest as too not to fall asleep but the impact of the hit on his neck were making him weak and his consciousness getting swept away.

“Wait for me…. I’ll save you… Mikey….” He muttered smiling softly before closing his eyes- he felt something liquid drops on his face and wonder if is raining before blacking out.


He woke up and instantly groan when the light violated his eyes. Takemichi grab his blanket and hide himself on it but someone is trying to snatch the blanket away from him so he put more pressure in holding it.

“I know you’re awake Takemitchy!” He heard Mitsuya’s serious voice in the background.
He loosen his hold on the blanket and Mitsuya successfully removes it from him. He watched as his blanket was thrown away in the corner of his room by his friend.

He pouted at his friend and quickly get out of his bed. He went in front of Mitsuya and gave his friend a hug.
He had a feeling he need to since the ditching that happen earlier in the alleyway. He laughed silently when he hear Mitsuya sigh defeatedly and ruffle his hair like his friend usually do.

“Just don’t do it next time… you scared the hell out of us there…!”  Mitsuya muttered. He quickly nods and smiled beamingly. Mitsuya smile back at him and grab his hand to intertwined with him which Takemichi didn’t mind.

He felt happy and contented inside. He found himself more motivated and determined than before because Mikey entrusted him to saved him.

They walked out of the room heading towards his living room. Upon arriving he halted at the sight of everyone sitting quietly at the floor but his eyes was more focused on the people sitting so comfortably in his couch.

“SEN-CHAN! AND THE LIVING LEGENDS!” He shouted in shocked, pointing his finger at the unexpected guests earning the attention of all of them.

“Takemitchy! You have guests!” Smiley yelled.

Takemichi stared in bewilderment. Of course he can see them he is not blind!

“Yo! Hanagaki..”  Akashi.

“Hm.. Takemitchy is a cute name… Hey, you don’t mind if I also call you that right?” Benkei grinned.

“Don’t. you’ll scare him… right, Ta-ke-mit-chy~?” Waka lazily muttered.

“I’m sorry for coming here… You didn’t show up to our supposed meet up earlier so I got worried… I’m really sorry Michi…”

“Wah!” Takemichi shouted in frustration. He laid on the ground hopelessly.
He cried mentally and looked up to see his friends grinning victoriously at him. Takemichi gawked and looked back at the floor again and cried loudly on his mind.


Thanks for reading😘

Pfft.. and also, thanks for the votes I totally appreciate it.

Detta! Mikey x Takemichi scene.

I dont know if it satisfied you, honestly I want more but suppressed myself. I want their first time to be romantic shookt!

So… that’s it… Thanks again!

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