Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“What’s ur plan, boss Mikey?”

Sanzu was done reporting about their encounters with Takemichi and the others to Mikey and now he was asking what Mikey intended to do but he got a beat of silence as a response. Mikey didn’t answered and remain to stare distantly.

Koko and Sanzu share a glance towards each other before giving back their full attention to Mikey who get up from the couch and silently went to his own room without glancing back at the two.

Sanzu sigh audibly and lean his head at the head of the couch, eyes focusing mainly at the ceiling.

“Do you, by any means…. knew that they will gonna be here?”

Koko asked cutting the silence off. Sanzu immediately tilted his head up and glance at Koko.

“Huh?” he replied confusedly.

“You knew they will gonna be here that is why u set this ‘Trip to Hokkaido’ thingy, aren’t you?”

Koko frowned deeply as he just got an innocent look from Sanzu.

“Don’t gave me that shit Kokonoi, I really have no idea they would be here with the same cruise with us! ”

“But you knew something that we didn’t…”

“Oh shut the fuck up!”

Then Sanzu also get up and went to his own room, slamming his door with a loud thud. Kokonoi snorted and sighed inaudibly, sipping the glass of wine he was holding while looking at the night through the open balcony.


A blush was slowly overtaking his whole face but he shrugged it off as fast as possible and drink the remaining wine in one gulp.

Meanwhile, on his own room Mikey’s back was leaning at his room door- he slide down and cover half of his face with his hand.

“Takemichi and the rest of the ex-toman members are here too together with the Brahman leaders.”

He remembered what Sanzu said to him earlier and it made his heart tighten painfully. Head aching indescribably but he didn’t care. Mikey didn’t care or he thought he was….

‘They betrayed you…’

No… I was the one who betrayed them first…

‘So, you’re gonna leave them be?.... They’re your enemies now… you need to kill them…Mikey…’

Stop! Please Stop! I don’t want to hear ur fucking opinions!

‘I was stating the truth Mikey, kill them and you’ll get your happy ending… together with ur crybaby hero…’

Your spouting nonsense! Takemitchy would literally hate me! And they were my friends! I would never do that to my friends!

‘It’s you that who can’t… but I… I can do it for you…’

No! I wouldn’t let you!

‘You know you can’t stop me… you’re weak… useless… no one likes and trusted u anymore… you’re alone now Mikey, with no one beside you… No one will understand how you felt… you’re sufferings, the pain of losing those important people in ur lives and the fact that you’re hurting everyone with ur presence alone! No one… No one… All people are the same…Trust me Mikey….!’


‘We share the same pain, thoughts and heart. We are one.. I am the only one who can understand you.. No one else can… So listen to me…’


‘Kill ur enemies… Erase them all…’


“Take-nii! I want that teddy bear!”

“I want it too!”

“Ah haha okay! Lets go get it!”

Luna and Mana excitedly drag Takemichi towards the dart-throwing booth where as the players would bare-handedly throw small sharp-pointed missiles known as darts at a round target called dartboard. Who ever get to hit the red circle in the middle would get the special prizes which are a human size teddy bears.

Takemichi took out his money and pay for the some darts to use. He was chuckling softly while listening to the kids cheering him on the sideline.

But unfortunately, Takemichi used all the darts already and he got nothing- he didn’t the target. He dejectedly looked at the kids- and with tears-.

“It’s fine, Take-nii… you did your very best…” Luna was trying to comfort him and Takemichi found himself crying again. He wipes the tears out from his cheeks and nodded, feeling embarrassed that he as a teen was crying while some kids comforting him that it should be the other way around.

“What happened?”

Mitsuya asked worriedly when he glance back and found Takemichi crying.

“Take-nii is just sad!” Mana was the one who replied in a loud voice that earns the attentions of the others.

“Why is Takemitchy sad?”

Chifuyu appeared out of nowhere, then pretty everybody else arrive too leaving their assigned places. For Takemichi and the girls safety- they assigned particular places for everyone except for you knows who.

“We want that teddy bears and Take-nii did his very best to get it for us but sadly he didn’t get it!... That is why he was sad!...”

“Wah! Why did you say it to them!”

Takemichi said embarrassingly in a low tone, trying his best not to look at his friends. Luna and Mana gave him a confused looks.

“But they want to know why ur sad, Take-nii….” Mana innocently said.

“Let’s try it..”



Takemichi looked at his friends in utter surprised. Mana and Luna drag him gently and they halted in the corner while the guys went  in front of the booth.

“One dart wouldn’t hurt, right guys? ”


“One dart for each one of us please~”

“Here are ur darts… If you don’t know the rules---”

The staff was cut off when Mitsuya already throw his dart and went smoothly to the red circle in the middle of the target.

“That was easy!” he commented.

Then Draken was next, he throw the dart and just like Mitsuya- he got bull’s eye easily and smirked when he glance at the staff and found him gaping in shock.

“I’m next! Here I go!”

Smiley didn’t wait for the staff to take the dart that Draken throw earlier. He throw his own dart in a fast pace that it cause Draken’s dart to be cut in two and his dart in the middle of it.

“Hehe, bullseye! ” He grinned proudly while Draken snorted.

“Woah! That was amazing Na-kun!” Takemichi clapped his hands in total amazement- ocean blue eyes sparkling. Unaware of the heated competition that were starting to resurface in front of him.

Smiley smirked when Draken and Mitsuya bent their heads down in remorse but fortunately Takemichi noticed it and he almost giggled at their reactions.

“Takashi-kun and Draken-kun too! You guys were amazing too!”

And just with that little comment from him, the two looked at him beamingly and grinned widely.

“Partner! Look at me, I’ll get that teddy bear for you!”

Takemichi gave his attention back to the others and to Chifuyu who were next to throw his dart. He throw his dart with total concentration but the dart went pass off the side of the target. Chifuyu widen his eyes and his face became sad at the outcome. Takemichi was surprise too but Chifuyu’s sad face disturbed him.

“Chifuyu, come here…”

Takemichi spread his both arms and Chifuyu’s eyes dilated excitedly and went to Takemichi to accept the warmness of the blondie’s embraced.

“It’s fine… You don’t have to be sad.. we’re in the same pace after all….”

Chifuyu ignored what takemichi just said and focused himself in hugging the blondie. He felt intense gazes from behind him and quickly knew who those came from.

The dart-throwing booth didn’t go bankrupt and the owner was really glad. Out of everybody else, only three got the bullseye while the others -purposely-failed their throwing attempt in exchange for Takemichi’s hug.

“Yehee! I got teddy bear! Luna too and Take-nii too! Thank you, Aniki, Ken-nii and Nahoya-nii! And everyone too for doing their very best! ” Mana beamingly stated. Those who fails looked away from her in an instant, guilt slowly overtaking them.

“Mitchy, are u okay?”

Takemichi looked at Hakkai and slowly shakes his head.

“Where’s the comfort room?”

Takemichi asked in a hurry earning the attention of everyone again. Takemichi was hugging his teddy bear but his face were paled and he keep moving his hips.

“We’ll accompany you.. let’s go! ”

“No! Just stay here with the kids.. I’ll go with Hakkai, don’t worry! Jaa ne!”

Takemichi dragged Hakkai with him leaving them dumbfounded.

On their way to the C.R , Hakkai kept looking at their intertwined hands while smiling stupidly. Takemichi sweat dropped but let him his friend be.

“This is the comfort room… ”

“Oh.. then let’s go inside…”

“W-W-W-hat?! No!, I’ll just wait here!”

Says the flustered Hakkai. Takemichi giggled and nodded

“If you say so,”

Hakkai watch Takemichi entered the comfort room and release a sigh of relief while holding his chest area after the door was closed. He lean at the wall beside the entrance door, small smile overtaking his face.

He looked around in the hallways, watching carefully the people that passes by. He took out his phone when it rings and read some texts he received from the others. He grin proudly when the texts is just about their jealousy and concerns.

He was busy using his phone that he didn’t notice a man in a hoodie enter the comfort-room. Without a single presence around the man even those people aside from Hakkai whose roaming around wouldn’t even notice him.

Hakkai looked up immediately, eyes scanning the whole face when he found nothing suspicious- he gave his attention back to his phone .

It took a few minutes before a bad feeling starting to lingers with in him. He put his phone back to his pocket, standing straightly and stood in front the comfort room. He open it and went inside, he was meet with multiple cubicles and he walked to those, knocking every door.

Hakkai’s bad feeling grow more as he knock the last cubicle door.

There was no response.

He knocked again.

But a beat of silence answered him.

Hakkai’s face instantly became paled, his own heart thumping in a rapid pace. He quickly kick the door harshly and he was met by nothing aside from the teddy bear – he knows Takemichi owns – laying untidily on the floor.

With trembling hands Hakkai took out his phone and dialed the first contact that appeared on his phone screen. The other line was fast to answer the phone call much to Hakkai’s relief.

(“Hakkai… What’s wrong?” )

Hakkai listened to Mitsuya’s voice and slowly calm his trembling nerves. He took a deep and heavy sighed. Different emotions starting to corrupt him.



“M-Mitchy i-is.….”

(“Hakkai… calm down… take it slowly…. What happened to Takemitchy? Why aren’t you guys coning back yet?”)

Mitsuya’s calm and collective voice successfully calm him down.

“Mitchy is missing! I cant find him in every cubicles! I thought he was just inside but he was nowhere to be found! Taka-chan! Mitchy… Mitchy is missing again!”

Hakkai was now crying while holding Takemichi’s teddy bear tightly on his chest. The beat of silence on the other line doesn’t even help to comfort him.

The phone call suddenly ended and after a few seconds, multiple sounds of heavy footsteps were heard echoing around the place and the slamming of the C.R door to forced it open.

“HAKKAI! WHERE’S TAKEMITCHY!” Draken shouted causing the poor Hakkai to flinch scaredly on his place.

“Draken calm down.. you’re scaring him..”

Mitsuya run to his side and comfortingly hug him followed by Yuzuha and Hina…

“Senju and the others need to know about this! ” Chifuyu commented earning a several nods from the others

“Hanma, Chifuyu… you two go to Senju now!”

Hanma and Chifuyu nodded and hurriedly leave the place. The other were looking around for possible clues and searching for possible suspicious person among the crowding crowds..

Draken rub his temple frustratingly till a tap to his shoulder made him glance at the person behind him.

“Draken-kun… I don’t think we’re dealing with a normal human here…”

Draken raise his eyebrow in utter confusion, staring back at Mitsuya’s direct in the eyes.

“Hakkai said that he didn’t saw Takemichi leave the comfort room since he was waiting outside all along and he didn’t saw anyone enter either. It’s impossible right?.... Takemitchy wouldn’t disappear without any person involving….”

Mitsuya replied to Draken’s silent question.

“Or Takemichi ditch us to meet Mikey,..”

Smiley commented causing the both of then to looked at him in bewilderment.

“Takemitchy promised us, he always kept his promises Smiley, ”


“But Takemitchy… would also sometimes took action by himself without asking for any help…”

Mitsuya continued and the three looked at each other then to the girls that were still comforting Hakkai.

“Yuzuha, Hina… I’ll leave Hakkai to you…”

“Where are you guys going?”

“We will find Takemitchy and bring him back!”

Mitsuya waved his hand before leaving, trailing behind him were Draken and Smiley. They headed towards the place where Senju and the rest are.


“Take-chan became more beautiful than before….”

“Oi! Don’t stare at him like that! Its disgusting!”

“What did you say? Excuse me! I know you also want to stare at him until he melt!”

“Oh shut up! I’m not like you! You pervy bastard!”

“Wah! You’re so mean!.... ”

“Both of you, stop that.. you will wake him up if you keep making a noise…”



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