Chapter 14

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Mikey was staring on the ceiling for an hour now till a loud noise from the outside made his head ache in annoyance.

Thinking that maybe Sanzu and Koko was fighting again, he continued to doze off, ignoring the loud noises.

But everything seems to get halted when his room door was forcedly slammed open.

Mikey tilted his head sideways and looked straightly at the intruders. Dark fathomless eyes gleaming dangerously that sends shivers down to everyone's spines.

But when he looks closely at them, he immediately recognized them one by one and it makes his eye twiched, eyebrows raising in mild confusion.


He muttered the name of one of his intruders.

Draken tried to keep his composure and he succedeed. He slowly went closer to Mikey's bed where the Kantou Manji President is currently laying.

"Where's Mitchy?"

He immediately asked with a calm voice. Draken caught a glimpse of Mikey's eyebrow twitched.

"How would i know?"

Draken frowned deeply at the cold response. He grab Mikey's collar and lift him up with a dangerous growl.


Sanzu's worried voice echoed around the room.

Dark fathomless eyes boredly roam around the room and caught a sight of his two subodinates getting cornered by the other intruders.

"Look Mikey! Mitchy is missing! And you guys the only ones have the motives to---"

"M-Mitchy is really missing?"

Mikey's stuttered response made the other occupants of the room fall silent.

Draken studied Mikey's expression before letting go of him.

"Mitchy dissappeared... and....."

Mikey slowly looked up, his dark eyes darkening while staring directly at Draken.

"Draken.... Why did u let Takemichi out of your sight??"

His dangerous and intimidated voice resonated around the room that makes everyone gulped in plain fear.

"Why are you not saying anything?? WHERE'S MY MITCHY!! GODDAMMIT"

He shouted angrily and then kicked the chair near him, sending it flying towards the glass window - now broken.

"We're the one supposed to ask you that! Where's Mitchy? where did you hide him? "

Senju asked in a calm yet with authority tone, all eyes quickly directed at him then to Mikey whose glaring back at the leader of the brahman.

"You're all acusing me of abducting Mitchy? really? Draken? Takashi? Ha!"

Mikey made a small and ridiculous laugh while eyeing his ex-friends.

"If we regards the previous actions of Kantou Manji this past few days, isn't it right to assume that you will be the prime suspect, Manjirou?"

Akashi stated. Mikey only looked at him as if he was some performer in the circus, spouting nonsense.

"Previous actions? what are ya guys talking about?"

Koko asked in total confusion, he eyed inupi  to seek answers and Inupi explain to them about how the members of the Kantou Manji Gang, secretly following Takemichi from the past few days.

Everyone fall silent again. Then Koko gave Mikey a questioning look and his boss just gave him a displeased look as a response. Then both of them looked at Sanzu's direction.

The others then also looked at Sanzu whose creepily have a sly grin on his face.



"Take-chan... we're going home now.... to your real family, to us.... and to me... I've been waiting all along... I'm glad everything went according to my plan... You're back in my arms now... my hero...."

The man gently stroke the soft blondie hair of the sleeping petite boy on his arms.

Carefully holding him yet tigthly as if the boy will disappear if he looked away in a second or the boy will be taken away from him.

He smiled widely and slyly.

"My Take... My Take-chan.... My Hero...."

Repeating it like a broken clock.


"Kiri-san! The submarine ship already arrived!.. we're only waiting for your words, nah! hehe"

The new arrived boy said cheerfully. Kiri's grin grew wide. He tenderly caress Takemichi's cheeks then gave his attention back to the boy.

"Ready to depart!... we need to get out of here before those bastards find us! and took our hero away from us!"

"YES! KIRI-SAN!.. Jaa~"

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