He didn't quite understand what this was.

"You found me."

Oh. Oh their voice- it was so soft. So... broken.

Bill's body moved to sit down beside them, looking down at their shivering body with a small frown.

"Are you cold?"

They shook their head.

It didn't matter. Bill's body shrugged off the hoodie they were wearing and moved to drape it over Y/n's shoulders which they silently accepted.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Y/n shook their head, continuing to stare up at the night sky and avoid his gaze.

"Alright. That's fine, we don't have to if you're not up for it right now. Is it okay if I stay up here, though?"

They shrugged.

It wasn't a yes... but it wasn't a no, either. So Bill's body stayed put, watching Y/n as they watched the night sky over them.

There was this feeling building up in Bill's body. It wasn't an emotion Bill was feeling, but something within this body was feeling it.

Concern. Worry. Guilt.

Bill's body sighed heavily, the head turning to now face the ground.

"We'll get out of here. Someday, I promise you we'll get out of here. Once we graduate from high school, we're leaving and never coming back. We'll find a nice, quiet town where you, me, and Cinnamon can live together as a happy found family. We'll start over, start fresh."

"Oh, you are not bringing Cinnamon along with us."

This caused Bill's body to shake with laughter, looking back over and smiling gently towards Y/n who was now facing them. Their (e/c) eyes now bloodshot and glossed over.

Had they been crying this whole time?

Who hurt you, Candle? Tell me who hurt you and I promise you it will never happen again.

"What- You can't expect me to run away from here and not bring him along! He is most definitely coming with us!"

"Dude, Cinnamon hates me. And I hate him- it's a mutual hatred that we have both come to terms with. You bring him along and we'll both be suffering."

"Orrr you'll both learn to live with one another and get along for the sake of my happiness! You never know what the future holds for us, and I really want my two best friends by my side as we escape this hellhole and travel the world together to find a better home for us. You can't just expect me to abandon Cinnamon here with my parents. They'll probably throw him to the streets or starve him!"

"Okay, okay- Geez, way to go making me feel guilty for envying how much you love that little demon that you call a pet. If I die in my sleep because of him, though, it's totally your fault," Y/n muttered, but Bill could see through the body's eyes the small smirk on his Candle's face that they were trying to hide.

"Cinnamon is not going to kill you."

"You never know! You said it yourself: you never know what the future holds."

Bill's body laughed light heartedly, shaking their head. The head then turned to look at the night sky, smiling softly.

"We're going to get out of here... I'm going to make sure of it. That is a promise."

Mercy (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now