|Prologue|: Tiny Human

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What is that sound?

Where is it coming from?

Is that crying?

What is crying?

I've heard it before...?

Is it...?

From a mini human?

Is that what they're called?

Mini humans?

They are humans that are mini.


Mini humans.

Why do I hear a mini human crying?

Walking through the pathway blocked with tall structures from the sides, I navigated through them to the source of the crying. Everything started getting brighter from the orb in the sky as I went closer. I turn a corner and saw the mini human that was making the sound.

It was a really mini human, not as mini as some mini humans I've seen. But still mini.

Human age is based on size right?

So this mini human is developed, but not completely developed.

I walked up to the mini human.

"Hello?" I called out to the mini human.

"H-Huh?" The mini human looked up at me.

The thing has big bright red eyes that were filled with tears, two big patches of hair was above those eyes, those are...eyebrows? I think? The eyebrows were the same color as it's hair, the hair is really short. The mini human was wearing the clothes I would see other mini humans it's size would wear. The clothes it was wearing was...dirtier though.

"Are you okay?" I said, I heard that is what you say to humans that are crying.

"Uh...n-no...I'm hurt...I-I...want my papa..." The mini human says through tears.

"Can I help?"

"Y-Yes please..."

I have been hurt before from screaming humans, they would always scream when they see me. Humans scream when they're scared, so they were scared of me. They would throw things at me which make me feel what I think is pain. I don't like that feeling. I can stop the feeling quickly, that's a...'thing' I have that humans don't. Maybe I can help the mini human that way? Can I use the thing that way?

The mini human didn't seem scared of me, it was too busy crying and wanting it's...papa? What is that? Is it an object? A type of human? Is it a good human? I feel like I've heard that word before...

I walked over to the mini human and crouched down, I reached my hand to where I think it's hurt, my hand looks so long and big compared to it's. I kept my hand there until the pain went away, the mini human cried less.

"Do you still feel pain?" I asked.

"I don't." The mini human said wiping away it's tears. "Thank you sir!"


"My name is Kiyotaka! You can call me Taka. What's your name sir?"

"Name...? I don't know what that is."

"It's what your papa and mama gives you!"

"I don't know what a papa and mama is."

"Oh, that's weird...maybe you can name yourself?"


"Hm...you look cool! So you should have a cool name!"

I remember a vauge word...Ki...Kiyon...do...



"Is that a cool name?"

"Hm...I think it is! I like it! Kiyondo!"


"So, um, Kiyondo, can you help me come home?"


"Yes! I want to go home! But my legs still hurts...can you carry me?"


I put my hands around the thing name Kiyotaka, or Taka. My hands were so big compared to it's tiny torso. I've never held a mini human, I think I hold it close to my torso, my hands supporting it's legs. That's how I've seen humans do it.

"Am I holding you right?" I asked.

"Yes! This is close to the way my papa holds me!" Taka answered. "Your fingers are so long! The longest I've seen!"

"Where is home?"

"I'll show you!"

I carried the mini human, it pointed to where I should go. It was dark out and there weren't many humans around. I have never been outside my pitch dark pathways between the buildings. I thought about what Taka said about me...the word cool. What does that word mean?

"Taka." I said.

"What is it Kiyondo?" Taka said looking up at me with it's big red eyes.

"Why am I...cool?"

"Because your eyes are cool! They're all red and glowing! They look like fire! How do you have those eyes?"

"I don't know."

"Oh, okay! Your teeth are also sharp! They're so pointy!"


"You look like a skeleton! Like a cool skeleton! Are you wearing a halloween costume?"

"...It's not a costume."

"Oh! Cool!"

This mini human is...very nice. I feel like keeping it away from harm, it's smile makes me...smile. We arrived at a building, a very tall building. Taka told me to go inside and up some platformed things until we arrive at a door. I put Taka down and it knocked on the door. The door opened.

"Papa!" Taka said loudly.

"Taka!" The papa said crouching down to hug the mini human. "You came home later than usual, I was about to search for you."

"The bullies hurt me again, but Kiyondo helped me back home!"


The human had...some kind of expression on it's face. It looked up at me with dark circles under it's eyes, I think that means it's tired? It blinked a few times.

"I think I'm too tired..." It mumbled. "Come on Taka, let's go inside."

"Okay! Bye Kiyondo!" Taka waved to me before the door closed.

That human...

It looked familiar...

I've seen it before...

I think...

I can't remember...


I hope the bullies don't put pain on Taka anymore.

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