No one said anything just sat in silence, I wanted to leave anyway now I gotta excuse.

I mean i'm not gonna straight up say, "hey guys i'm gonna go home because my ex boyfriend who beat me and cheated is now sitting in front of me."

So instead of saying that I say "I'm leaving, I need time alone, I'll come straight home after school tomorrow."

No one says anything, still everyone sitting in silence so I just left. On my way out I got a message from Evangelos.


evangelos💋: goodnight, love

me: are you home right now?

Obviously i'm gonna see if I can just spend time with him instead of going home.

evangelos💋: yes, you miss me already?

me: yeah, can I come over?

evangelos💋: of course, you don't even need to ask

me: I'll be there in 10 minutes


After the longest ten minutes of my life I finally made it to Evangelos's penthouse.

I got to his front door and knocked. Not even minutes later he opened the door and pulled me inside kissing me.

He let go and pulled me into a quick kiss before noticing my tired demeanor.

"What happened? I thought you and the twins were coming tomorrow for the dinner, well Maxim changed it to lunch because he said you guys have to have dinner with your family." Evangelos spoke worriedly.

I didn't want to mention the fact that I just had to go to a dinner and my abusive ex boyfriend just happened to be there.

"My Biological family, the twins and I had to go to a dinner. It was a business dinner with the British mafia." I spoke just loud enough for him to hear me, he had a look of confusion and I can't decide if I should tell him or not.

"What happened with the British to make you leave?" he questioned and I think I should just tell him.

I never like talking about it but he makes me feel safe, i've never been uncomfortable with him so I told him, "I dated the heir, Blake Martin and he was abusive and was cheating on me."
I spoke blankly, trying to make it clear I don't feel anything about the topic anymore but Evangelos looked mad.

I wonder if he's mad at me or the fact I was with someone else.

I raise my eyebrow in question because I answered his question and he isn't even saying anything.

"Evangelos, i'm fine, it was years ago." I didn't let any emotion show on my face, I still feel angry, yes but I don't have a feeling for revenge. I accepted it was all worthless and moved on.

As if knowing I needed a way out of this staring competition with Evangelos, Killian walked into the room.

I will never get used to addressing him by Killian, I wanted my Elliot.

"Killian" I spoke in acknowledgment. I can't tell if he wants to slit my throat or hug me.

Evangelos said he was going to make dinner and that Killian and I, should sit down and talk.

I walked over to the couch and slipped my heels off, I didn't even think to change out of my dress from dinner.

"We should talk." Killian said merely above a whisper. I don't know why we should talk, he said everything he needed to say a few days ago.

"I thought you said everything you needed to say last time we spoke?" I question with a raised eyebrow, my voice blank and showing absolutely no emotion.

"I was just upset, you know I didn't mean it fay-" I cut him off again, "I thought my name was Octavia now?"
Killian looked absolutely pissed that I keep interrupting him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, can you shut up let me speak?" he spoke, getting annoyed with me.

He told me to shut up so now just to irk his nerves, I shut up but even after he's done talking i'm not going to say anything, I can be petty to, not just Zelda. Where do you think she got it from.

"I'm sorry I snapped. I was angry because you promised that we would kill them together, that you would find me. You never found me and we can not kill them together because you killed them. You had every right to and I shouldn't have blown up at you like that, so i'm apologizing which isn't that easy but I want my Faye back." Killian finished his rant with tears in his eyes.

I can feel someone staring at me but I don't care, I don't respond to what Killian had said. I was never really angry about what he said, he's always been so sensitive and I should have looked harder it's my fault, I know.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" he looked annoyed as hell and that was exactly what I wanted.

"I though you told me to shut up?" I question with a smirk. Killian looked even more annoyed if that's even possible and I hear Evangelos stifle a laugh at the door.

"I wanted you to shut up so I could speak, now i'm done speaking it's your turn." he said slowly like I was some child that he wanted to understand the words he's saying.

"Oh, I thought you wanted me to shut up forever. Silly me." I said sarcastically.

He was about to walk away so I put aside my pettiness and spoke, "I was never mad Elliot, I knew you needed time to calm the fuck down. You have always been so sensitive and needy to be honest."

Elliot whipped his head towards me, looking at me in disbelief, That I wasn't mad?

"You weren't mad this entire time and you still let me go on a rant apologizing and shit?" I can't tell if he wants to hug me or slit my throat. He has given me this look twice now.

"Yeah, pretty much" I said blankly. I guess he wasn't that mad cause he came over and hugged me. I could tell he was crying. Looking up I see Evangelos and remember that we went to make food and i'm kinda hungry again.

"How about we go eat dinner, yea? Afterwards we can watch a Disney movie." I spoke softly to Elliot.

Elliot looked happy with my recommendation, so we all walked in the kitchen and ate dinner, I swear Evangelos makes the best food.

Dark Places (ONGOING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ