Lucy Carlyle

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That Saturday came around

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That Saturday came around. Lockwood was conducting interviews while George and Grace moved from the kitchen for tea to the living room. The pair were intrigued. They wanted to see what the girl's talents were.

"How many are there today?" Grace whispered.

"Five," George explained. The girl being tested currently was a short black-haired girl. She had a narrow face and deep green eyes.

"Can you tell me what this is?" Lockwood asked taking the cloth off a skull. The girl stood up looking around at George and Grace.

"What is this?" She grimaced looking back at the skull.

"A job interview," Grace explained.

It's a source. In a ghost jar. You are fine. If she is freaked out by what's in that jar just imagine when she's in the field.

Grace gave Lockwood a hard stare and he nodded. The three of them understand one another without a single spoken word. Their little team finally coming together.

"I don't need a job that bad," She scoffed grabbing her papers from off the table as she left the room. Grace moved after her watching the front door shut.

"For the best," George added. Grace leaned against the doorway looking at the boys.

"Glad I don't have to share my room with her, she seems mean," Grace added glancing at the door once more.

"But Grace you are mean, George added. Grace stared at him and then smiled.

"Yeah, but I don't think you would be able to handle both," Grace pushed off the doorway. "How much longer?"

"Well, there are four more people so-" A knock on the front door caused them all to turn.

"That must be another one," Lockwood smiled. "Grace would you please?" She sighed moving towards the door. She opened it pulling a smile onto her face.

"Hello my name is Amelia Thomas, I am here for the job interview," The girl smiled.

She looked way too young to have her fourth grade, but she probably wouldn't pass the tests anyway. In George's words, she looks like a bolter.

"Right this way," Grace stepped back allowing the girl through the doorway. "Through the room to your right." The girl turned into the room.

"Hello my name is Anthony Lockwood," Lockwood smiled at the girl. Grace paused in the hallway. She didn't like the feeling of resentment that was crashing into her. Lockwood's eyes drifted to Grace for a moment studying her face. She was scowling at the new girl. It almost made him laugh.

"Grace, let's go to the kitchen," George added trying to get the girl's attention.

"Grab some tea please?" Lockwood asked as well. Grace's eyes moved from the girl to George's.

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