We're Screwed

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"So what are we looking at?" Lockwood asked

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"So what are we looking at?" Lockwood asked. They had the ring in front of them. George had set something up allowing the four of them to look at the engraving on the inside of the ring.

"I put the ring behind silver glass so we can safely examine it," George explained leaning closer to his magnification.

"Yeah, but it's daylight," Lucy added. She had her hands resting on the back of the kitchen chair as they waited for George to tell them more.

"Yes, well to state the obvious. I'm a bit more risk-averse than you, aren't I?" George added. Grace put a hand over her mouth looking at Lockwood who smiled at the tablecloth. "Now, the intruder was after the ring, right? But why?" George smiled putting in some small piece of tech. The TV turned on showing the group the ring. More precisely the inside inscription. "Hallmarks."

" H 22 115." Grace furrowed her brows. She had no idea what that was.

"Maybe, H, for Hugo?" Lucy wondered looking at the others for confirmation.

"I'm still staring at the little heart," Grace added squinting at the screen.

"That's what I thought. But who was the other big 'H' in Annabel's life?" George smiled grabbing a small book off the table next to him. Lockwood was seated beside Grace farther from the TV since he was the second to last to wake up this morning. Lucy took the book from George. "Act 2, Scene 2."

"Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love you." As Lucy read from the book her words grew softer and softer. "This is it!" She flipped to the cover page. "The hallmarks a love letter," George sat down next to Lucy with a smile. "That's why Annabel wanted me to take the ring. It proves she and Hugo were together. That has to be enough to put him away, right?"

"No." Lockwood stood up. "That doesn't prove anything. So they were together. But that isn't evidence he murdered her." Lockwood grabbed the ring from George's little contraption. "The ring is going in the safe and I'm keeping hold of the key, well, because you can't be trusted." Lockwood gave Lucy a tight smile.

"But it's her source," She reasoned.

"Which you stole illegally," Lockwood pointed out. "Now, the final ruling of Sheen Road just came in. If we don't get our shit together now, this agency is done." Lockwood sat back down putting the keys and the ring in his pocket.

"Mandatory, indefinite oversight," George read off.

"Please tell me you are kidding?" Grace sighed leaning forward.

"What does that mean?" Lucy asked taking the letter from George.

"It means we still owe sixty grand," Grace opened her mouth. "Sorry thirty-two grand and now we can't do anything without adult supervision," Lockwood explained.

"No, no, no. This must be a joke." Lucy shook her head holding out the paper.

"No, it's a chokehold," Lockwood sighed. George grabbed the paper back from her. "But don't worry, I've got a plan. We're going to see a man about a ghost." Lockwood smiled.

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