Chapter 56: Full Moon Part 1

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A/N: Hey everyone... Three notes.

First, sorry for the delay. I have been in a rough mental place the last few months... Lost a really good friend over the holidays unexpectedly... then my pet fell ill and I've been taking care of her these last few weeks... I'm trying to come back!

Second, I'm not going to do the Runaway episode since Amara kind of took over that scene at Fire Fountain City.

Finally, I'm only going to briefly touch on the The Avatar and Fire Lord episode, since that was more of a foreshadow of Aang and Zuko becoming friends and... well they already are. Anyway, we're starting things off with the episode everyone has been waiting for: "The Puppetmaster." This is part 1. I am working on part 2. I just feel bad you all have waited so long and want to give you something. I'm still here and I do want to finish this!

Thanks for reading!


Chapter 56: Full Moon Part 1

Aang told us he needed to speak to Avatar Roku. He explained to us that his past life had visited him in a dream. Roku told him that he needed to communicate with him. Aang could no longer enter into the Avatar State since the injury he received in Ba SIng Se, so the only way he could speak to Roku was at Roku's home... during the Summer Solstice...

And the Summer Solstice was that day!

So we flew quickly to the island that Zuko directed us towards.

Roku's island... That's what Aang was calling it. Zuko gave it another name: Huǒshān. I asked him what that meant, and he explained it to me. The island was actually a volcano, and the structure erupted over a hundred years ago. There had once been a settlement. Avatar Roku and his family used to live there. He was amazed as he said all this. He couldn't believe he learned only just recently that this was where his mother's family came from. He had heard about the history of the place, but he never imagined his own ancestors were the ones from the tale.

When Toph told us upon our landing that there was a whole village buried beneath us, I asked Zuko if he knew if the villagers escaped. He told me that from what he had heard, there were no casualties.

We soon learned from Aang this was wrong though.

After waiting an hour for Avatar Roku to speak with Aang at the edge of a cliff, Aang came out of his meditative state looking bewildered. He told us all he had learned. He learned that the previous Avatar lived his younger days in the Fire Nation palace, being best friends with Fire Lord Sozin. However, when he learned he was the Avatar and being sent away to train, a rift grew between the two. Fire Lord Sozin began to expand his army and planned to invade the other nations. Avatar Roku ordered him to stop, and when Fire Lord Sozin refused the Avatar was forced to part ways. Over a hundred and twelve years ago, the volcano on the land where Roku lived erupted. He attempted to fight the magma long enough for the other villagers to escape. On the day of his death, Sozin had come to the island to help. However, after he realized Avatar Roku was the one thing standing in his way of taking over the other nations, he left Roku to die. Roku's dragon Feng died with him.

We were horrified by this news. However, Aang gave Zuko a message from Avatar Roku.

"He wanted me to tell you that he is very proud of what you have accomplished... proud of you for the path you have chosen. He said that he has heard about you from the spirit world and is glad you found your true destiny." Aang then let out a heavy breath. "He also wanted me to tell you something. He mentioned that if you want to learn more about your mom, seek out The Mother of Faces... Not really sure what that means, but I'll help you figure it out."

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