Chapter 43: Just Amara

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Chapter 43: Just Amara

My eyes stared down at the drawing before me with disbelief. Yuna perched on the table beside the parchment, her eyes staring down at it with curiosity. Sokka grinned as he finished the last part of his image. Zuko sat beside me, his hand covering his mouth to try and hide his amusement. If there was one thing we had both learned about my cousin today, he definitely was not an artist.

We'd spent the last three days searching for Appa. Iroh informed us when we stopped by to have tea at his shop the other day that he was having difficulty getting information on the Dai Li. He explained that many of his connections were too nervous to delve into the strange group. He promised us that he would keep trying though, and that he would let us know as soon as he heard something. He did however let us know that he knew someone who could help us make posters to put up to find Appa. He wrote down the contact and where they were located. Katara took it with gratitude.

As soon as morning had hit, Katara, Aang, and Momo went to go see about getting the posters made. Sokka argued that he could make his own and we didn't need professional help, so he started to draw his own posters. Zuko, Toph, and I sat around the table as he created his illustrations. Toph had no clue what they looked like, but she would comment every now and then, "You missed a corner," or "That's not how big he is."

Sokka would huff at her and grab another parchment to start over. Zuko coughed a laugh when this happened, unable to believe Sokka was letting the blind girl in the room be his critique. Yuna watched, her wide eyes mesmerized by his constant movements.

I decided I was bored, and I grabbed an ink pen and parchment to draw also. I tried my attempt at Appa, drawing his long tail and large body. I added the two horns at the top of his head. Then I drew his six legs. As I started to form an image of Appa on the parchment, my heart twisted as I worried more about our flying friend. I had a strong suspicion that the Dai Li had something to do with us not finding Appa, and the longer I lingered on the thought the more I hated the Dai Li.

"Amara! Why are you trying to beat me?!"

I looked across the table at Sokka with confusion. "I'm not. I was just drawing."

Zuko laughed this time. "No. You definitely beat him, Amara. His looks like a blob. Yours actually looks like an animal."

Toph snickered. "So he basically drew a picture of himself."

Sokka scowled. Zuko and I laughed though.

The door to the building opened and we turned where we were sitting to see Aang and Katara were back.

Katara held up a pile of posters. "We found the printer to make our poster! Your Uncle was right, Zuko! He really is good!" She held up one of the posters and we saw a beautiful illustration of Appa.

Sokka argued, "I already told you that I would design 'the lost Appa poster' for us. You wasted your time going through that fancy smancy printer. I've been working on mine all day, and Zuko and Amara will agree with me that mine is perfect!"

Aang and Katara got closer to Sokka's drawing. Aang was confused and pointed at the circle shape on the parchment. "Sokka, the arrow is on Appa's head."

Sokka pouted and pointed at the sketch. "This is his head."

Katara smirked, trying not to laugh. She leaned in, grabbed the drawing, and inspected it. She then asked, "Why are feet coming out of it?"

Sokka snatched the poster back and argued, "Those are his horns!" He then put the drawing on the table and muttered, "I haven't seen him awhile, ok?"

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