Chapter 44: Unchained

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Wow! This chapter was fun to write. Enjoy!


Chapter 44: Unchained

The carriage came to a stop outside the east gate of Ba Sing Se's Lower Ring. After we'd left Iroh, we headed through the Upper Ring to speak to Kyro to see if we could borrow a ride. We knew it would be faster to get there by carriage than on foot. Thankfully, Kyro was more than happy to assist us and had his personal carriage made ready for us. We were taken through the Upper, Middle, and Lower Ring. Finally, we made it to the Agrarian Zone just as the moon was starting to rise.

After we came to a stop, the carriage driver was the one to grab the door for us. Zuko got out first, helped Toph find her footing, and then helped me down. Once we were ready to head the mile to the lake, I turned to the carriage driver who had gotten back on his seat.

"Thank you! Tell Kyro we said thank you too!"

The man nodded, and then snapped the reins making the ostrich horse move forward. As he headed towards the gate to return to the Upper Ring, we started to make our way across the fields. We were headed towards the direction of the lake, all three of us on alert in case the Dai Li showed up to try and stop us. We were hoping our plan had not met Joo Dee or Long Feng's ears.

Zuko spoke as we moved across the grass under the moonlight. "When we get into the tunnel we need to be cautious. We don't know how many Dai Li agents there will be inside. I'm hoping if we're careful, we can get through this undetected. But we need to be ready for anything."

Toph nodded. "Good thing is I can sense everyone within a hundred yard radius, so if someone is coming then I'll know."

I smiled. "You're awesome, Toph."

Yuna chirped on my shoulder to agree.

Toph smirked. "I know. Don't forget it."

The trek to the lake was very quiet. None of us said anything once we got within half a mile of the body of water. We wanted to be as stealth as we could. We also tried to use the taller plants we passed by to hide behind so no one would detect our movements. After a good thirty minutes of cautiously moving across the fields before us, we arrived at a steep decline.

The lake stretched out before us. The moonlight reflected on the water. In the distance, I could see the shadow of an island with the water around it. Toph shut her eyes as she concentrated on the earth beneath her. Zuko and I stood perfectly still so we did not disturb her as she searched for the opening to the tunnel that we needed. I kept on high alert though, searching around us for any sign of the Dai Li. I worried they would stop us before we could reach Appa, and that was the last thing I wanted tonight.

Toph suddenly pointed to an area near the lake, saying, "The tunnel starts there. Once we're down inside I will hopefully be able to see where they are holding Appa."

Zuko nodded. "Lead the way, Toph. We've got your back."

She nodded and started to make her way down the hill. Zuko and I stayed on guard as we followed her towards the water, ready for an attack if one occurred. Thankfully, by the time we got to the water, nothing had happened. There was still no sign of the Dai Li anywhere. I hoped we could keep it that way.

Toph stopped abruptly, and we stopped with her. She stamped her foot on the ground, and a stone pier shot out before us, parting the water as it rose from beneath. At the end of the pier was a wider circle, and I assumed that was the entrance.

"Stay close," Toph said. "The tunnel is clear below, but I won't know more until we get inside."

I nodded. I took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves I suddenly felt. Going underground was never enjoyable for me. So many memories of that horrible storage room Zhao had forced me in were trying to flood back. I quickly shook my head to try and knock them away. I had to be brave. I was doing this for Appa. I knew I just needed to keep reminding myself of that.

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