Chapter 15: Clarity

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I was writing this chapter and decided I needed to break it into two different ones. Will have the next one up in 24 hours after I proofread it. Also, the romance between Amara and Zuko is spotty right now but it will develop stronger in later chapters... -- Faith

Chapter 15: Clarity

(Amara POV)

Three days had passed since we had come into contact with Zhao. I could tell I was still on edge from my encounter. No matter how much I tried to reassure myself that I was okay, I feared Zhao would never give up... he didn't like to lose, and getting me back would give him a sense of victory.

Zuko kept reassuring me that he would do everything in his power to keep me safe. While I did feel comforted by his words, I still was nervous. The higher in rank my brother became, the greater of a chance there was of him getting me back. While I knew Iroh was the Fire Lord's brother and had some manner of authority, he was a retired General, so he didn't have much say except when it came to his crew.

I had asked Iroh the other night at dinner with Zuko what would happen if Zhao kept moving up in rank. Zuko had scoffed and said that would never happen. Iroh wasn't so convinced. He told me that if it did happen, Zhao would have authority over not just naval fleets but invasion forces within the Earth Kingdom. He would become an important figure to Fire Lord Ozai. Right now, Zhao's authority was the Fire Nation Navy. If he went up in rank, he'd be a General and able to control Fire Nation forces across the world.

I hated the thought of Zhao having that much control. I feared that if he advanced in rank, even Iroh would not be able to defy him.

Iroh noticed my angst from this reveal. He had grabbed my hand to try and reassure me. "Amara... I will do everything in my power to keep you safe from Zhao. I promise."

I wanted to believe him. However, after what happened the day before with Zhao threatening to have Zuko and Iroh arrested for treason, I knew that Iroh would not be able to stop Zhao one day. One day, Zhao would not take no for an answer...

But I knew one thing... I was not going down without a fight... I would not let the enemy win.

A sigh escaped me. I crossed my arms as I stood on deck by the ship rail. The enemy... I had come to learn as I saw more of the world that Zhao wasn't the only enemy...

We'd just arrived at a Fire Nation colony trading port to ask about the Avatar. Iroh and I had gone around the market square to browse while Zuko questioned the locals. He got no answers of course, and went back to the ship irritated. Iroh suggested he calm down and have some tea with him. He invited me, but I declined. As Iroh and Zuko had tea down below, I hung out on deck to get some fresh air and gaze at the town in the distance. I leaned against the rail to watch as Fire Nation men and women shopped, and Earth Kingdom men and women worked. Observing the scene before me, I could see a clear line of division within the town.

During my time with Zuko and Iroh, I had come to learn a lot about things I never knew. With this knowledge, I was also learning about a war I had only heard of from stories and chatter amongst others. One thing I found through these new discoveries was how much I disliked the Fire Nation... The Fire Nation had wiped out the Air Nation... the Fire Nation had invaded the Water Tribe...

Being free from my brother and my cage, I was able see and hear for myself how the Fire Nation felt superior over the other nations. Zuko and the crew spoke about earthbenders and Earth Kingdom citizens like they were lowlifes. At one point, I even heard Zuko refer to the Avatar's friends as Water Tribe peasants. Honestly, the opinions around me hit me hard. My mother had been from the Water Tribe. I was part Water Tribe. Also, I had met some Earth Kingdom citizens at stalls when I shopped with Iroh, and they were all super nice.

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