Chapter 54: Ashes

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Hey Readers... I'm working on trying to figure out where to bring combustion man in. The next few chapters are not really going to follow the order of the show. There will also be some changes to the script as well. You'll see what I mean. I'll definitely get back to the show when Hama comes in. Anyway... This is a chapter I have been eager to write for a very long time. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 54: Ashes

Staring at the horizon, I could see the stretch of land in the distance. Sitting beside me in the saddle, I heard Sokka and Zuko talking about swords. Toph was napping against the side of the saddle across from me. Katara was chatting with Aang up at the front of the saddle, who was guiding Appa towards the island. Momo was on Aang's shoulder, chattering in his ear at the same time.

I brushed my hand on Yuna's feathers as she napped in my lap. My heart was tight as I stared at the approaching land in the distance. From where I was, the place didn't seem at all familiar. However, I knew once I stepped foot on the soil, I would be where it all had started.

A day and night had passed since we left the village where Sokka had trained with Piandao. We had stopped at another island halfway through the night for a small break, and then we were moving again. The sun was starting to lower as we reached Shuhon Island.

The closer we got to the place of my beginning, the more I thought about my past. I thought about my mother... Tu Lan... the estate... It had only been a year ago since I was last within the walls. A year ago...

I shut my eyes tight and touched the stone that I had been gifted a few days ago. I had Katara help me stitch the stone onto the leather of my water belt so that I would have it with me. The carving of the polar bear dog made an image of my mom flash through me.

"Amara... What's wrong sweetie?" My mom hugged me close to her as I sniffled. I was five, so I fit well into my mom's side on our moldy cot.

"I want to go outside," I whimpered. "I want to see the sky... See the sun..."

My mom hugged me even tighter, and she pressed her face into my hair. "I want to see them with you... I wish we could both go out and see the world... I pray one day you will be free from these walls, Amara... Free from Gru... and Zhao and Xi... I want you to meet your grandma... your aunt..." She sniffled. "I'm so sorry I brought you into this prison..."

I shook my head. "I... I have mommy though... at least I can see you..."

She gasped a sob. "You are my only light in this dark place, my love... I wish I could tear these walls down... Just so you can live..."

"Alright! Check out this place!" Aang's exclamation made me jump from my past. We were coming closer to the island. The sand sparkled in the distance. The trees were thick past the sand. I could see as we got closer, shapes in the distance from what appeared to be a large city. Beyond the city were other shapes of buildings and winding roads.

"Would love to," Toph muttered. "If you land."

Appa went down towards the forest, and we landed concealed within some trees. There was a cliff with a waterfall, and a river that flowed towards it from the direction of the town. Once Appa landed, the group started to gather their things. As they got off, Zuko moved over beside me where I was grabbing my own bag. He placed a hand on my back, and I was surprised when he touched me that I was shaking.

"Amara... We don't have to land here... I can tell Aang and the others we need to mo–"

I interrupted him. "I'm okay... It's just for the night... Appa needs to rest and we need supplies."

The Tale of AmaraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora