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Yes, I really made another book. Since in Set In Stone you're basically the king of all dangerous cinnamon rolls, I'll change things up in this one. Yeah, You're going to be cool, flirty, and uh, Epic! But first, the prologue. And uh, there's cursing here and there and mentions of mature content in the story! You have been warned.

Silence. Utter silence. My phone ran out of battery again. I can only charge it at work, since I don't own a charger, and even if I did, I don't have electricity here anyways. Staring at my hand, I pulled my bandages off and stared at the glowing scar. It seemed rather unsettled by something, as its glow pulsed like a beating heart. The kids in Stiix told me the scar is cool, yet I think otherwise. Same for my current popularity. A picture of my face from four years ago can still be found in police records and old wanted posters, even though the cops gave up on me a long time ago. I keep one on me all the time, just in case.

A loud knock sounded from the door. I've lived alone in this place for years, and not a single time had I gotten any visitors, mainly because I live in an abandoned warehouse. The place is spacious, and nobody has ever gotten near, except for a few kids doing graffiti on the outer walls and well, I scared them away. Although I live in an abandoned warehouse, I still work 6 hour workdays five times a week, like a good Ninjago citizen should. My workplace being Ronin's definitely legal pawn shop. It's easy, I 'protect' him and help him around the shop, and he pays me, and doesn't rat me out to the police. I would have probably given myself in on my own, but it would be such a waste give up, since I've already gone this far.

I walked to the metallic door and opened it with a creak. No one was there. I looked to the left, then to the right, then straight forward. No one at all. The silence was even more striking than when I was inside.

"Did you finally come to haunt me?" I asked and tilted my head. I walked out my home, but didn't bother to close the door behind me. I walked to the patch of grass in the middle of what I like to call, my backyard. Kneeling down to ground level, I sighed to myself.

"Nope, doesn't seem that way." I said and pressed my hands together in a prayer. Closing my eyes, then opening them again, I stared at her. I felt like crying, yet every time I've said that to myself, I never did cry, no matter how much I tried. I wanted to switch places with her, she didn't deserve it. Can't I just forget already? Why can't I just let go?

You don't deserve to forget. It's all your fault. You will never be forgiven for your sins.

I pulled my hand back and stood up. Turning around, I walked back to the door when a small sound of something being crushed sounded near my foot. I lifted my leg to see I've stepped on a... Fortune cookie? I didn't touch the remains of it, and instead picked the paper fortune from under the crumbs. I could feel my breath hitch as I read the message.

"Maybe... Just maybe..." I smiled and turned back to the tombstone placed on the patch of  grass. her tombstone. 

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