Chapter 1:

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"Did you know there's this theory, that if Cleopatra's nose was a little bit larger, history would have been radically changed?" Marcus whispered as we flipped through books in the university library.

I groaned as I closed yet another dusty encyclopaedia. "You would think that it would be easier to gather information on Cleopatra."

Marcus shrugged. "I think there's more than enough information."

"That's the problem. There's too much!" I said a little too loudly causing one of the librarians to hush me. I flushed with embarrassment as Marcus chuckled to himself.

"Well, you chose to do a piece on her for the History in English Literature assignment, I'm just here to watch you suffer," he teased.

I smacked his arm with the book I was holding. "Ow! That was uncalled for!" he hissed. This time he got shushed and I giggled as we walked over to the checkout desk.

As the librarian scanned the books, I gazed over at Marcus flipping through one of them. We had met as first-year students at the university a couple of years ago. I was currently in my final year but he had a few more to go.

I quickly averted my gaze as he looked up, sensing my inspection. I threw some of the books into his arms to distract him and steered him towards our dorm.

I cleared my throat. "Sooo, how's The Project coming along?"

Two years ago, Marcus was scouted to be part of a scientific research and development team after turning in a paper on DNA mapping for one of his assignments. He was always pretty vague about what The Project entailed but I got the impression it was much more than he let on.

His eyes lit up. He excitedly tried to communicate with hand gestures as his words seemed to fail him, causing me to laugh, before he recovered enough to speak.

"Of course, I'm not allowed to disclose anything."

"Of course." I chuckled.

"But I can tell you one thing: it's revolutionary!"

"You always say that," I complained, rolling my eyes and he gave me a small smile.

"You would love it," he said softly and I paused outside our room door.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing but speaking of The Project, I'll leave you to yours and go back to mine."

I gave him a pout as he gave me a little geekish smile. Despite that, you would think he belonged out on a rugby field rather than a lab.

"When I get back, let me know what we're finally going to do for your birthday since I missed it because of the damned Project," he said already heading for the door after he left the books.

"My birthday was a week ago and the pendant you gave me as a gift is more than enough. I don't need to cele–"

"Whatever, let me know!" he called out closing the door behind him and I felt a small smile play on my lips.

I sighed, sitting at my desk and then glanced over to my bed as I did a little stretch. I shook my head banishing the notion of taking a nap and opened one of the books I had chosen from the library.

"Cleopatra facts. There were 7 Cleopatras that sat on the throne of Egypt." My shoulders drooped. "Great, now I have options."

Why did I leave this project to the last week? I wish I had more time. I turned to the laptop screen displaying a website with some facts about the lady herself.

"Contrary to popular belief, Cleopatra was not above the beauty standards of her day."

I blinked at that statement. Cleopatra had managed to seduce several lovers with her intelligence and here I sat, an honours student, who could only read of love in books. I closed my laptop and dropped my head on my desk.

I had no idea where to start with this assignment. So many angles to choose from and too many retellings to know where to begin.

If only I could have seen her, been in her shoes. Now, that would be a story to tell.

I shivered.

Then again, maybe not considering her first two husbands were her brothers.

I rolled my head on my desk, facing my bed one more time. A little nap wouldn't hurt, right?!

As I got up, my phone rang and I paused.

A name popped up on the screen: Tavvy. The only other student approached to work on The Project.

I answered and before I could say hello, Octavian was frantically rambling in my ear. "Wait, Tavvy! TAVVY STOP," I yelled finally getting him to stop and take a breath.

"What's going on?"

"Have you seen Marcus? He was meant to be here two hours ago with... a device."

That's strange. Usually, Marcus went to The Project's meetings at least an hour early. "He left fifteen minutes ago. And what device?"

"A key. Marcus is in charge of the key. Did he tell you about it?"

I frowned, getting suspicious. Were they trying to test if Marcus had broken his omerta? At least that's what I like to call it since The Project is so secret and I have no idea what it could involve.

"Um, no, not that I know of. Are you okay?"

"We just really need that key and... wait, are his files there? Maybe there's a key?" he said ignoring my previous question.

"He doesn't take any of the research out of the lab. None of you are allowed – Hello?" I looked at my screen. The call had cut.

I grumbled in irritation as I navigated my way through the pile of clothes surrounding my bed. Octavian was always infuriatingly rude.

Pushing my convo with him, if you could call it that, from my mind, I flopped down onto my bed and stared at the ceiling trying to think of ideas on how I should approach my assignment. If I was Cleopatra, why would I have done what I did? What would I have done with my power? Most importantly... I shook my head. So maybe I was a sucker for romantic tales and Cleopatra has one but there was no way I could do that.

My phone pinged and I saw a notification pop up from Marcus.

Hey, I need help. Meet me science labs basement. Wear my coat and spare badge inside pocket of my suit.

I sat up, confused at his solecistic text. It was unlike him. Something weird was at play. If Marcus was at the lab, why hadn't Octavian seen him?

I texted him back asking if he was okay but there was no reply. The message didn't even deliver.

[Wattpad word Count: 1084]

Edited by: TheRebeccaBlake & Dodelia Reene

Edited by: TheRebeccaBlake & Dodelia Reene

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