"That's true. But we all know that Max and his dad go hand in hand," Toto answered, and Christian was sure the man was baiting him to say something. For once, he didn't mind indulging his rival.

"Perhaps in the past, but right Jos has been banned from seeing Max without supervision. Perhaps soon he'll have a restraint order," Christian said, and Toto's eyebrows rose, before the man folded his face in a more neutral look.

"So, the rumours are true," Toto said, "I see that you're busy. I'll make sure that the other teamleaders are aware in the change in Max his family status. You know that some of them would only be too eager to jump on the change of having Max Verstappen for cheap on their team,"

"If you would," Christian said, feeling grateful that Toto would take care of that, and that there wouldn't be moaning about contract breaches and already having thrown people out of seats because they expected the Dutchman to join their team.

It was a good thing that even though he and Toto complained over the smallest things the other team did, something like this they wouldn't let pass.

Filing away this problem to properly and officially deal with later, Christian quickly went to his car, and was glad when traffic seemed decent for once, and he reached the hotel in time, seeing the doctor just arrive, a cop not following too long after.

Seb couldn't help but stare at the lone bunny ear in Max's hand, the fabric worn out at the tip, and the filling half on the ground. Max looked at him, anguish on his face when his hand started to shake when he realised that Seb wasn't able to fix it.

The hand closed around it, and the little hugged it close, and Seb was thinking about words of comfort, but he had a feeling that nothing he could say would help Max.

The lips shook for a moment, and he was expecting the tears and desperate screaming to begin, knowing that the reaction would be logical in a little who had just had his dad beat him up and discovered right after that his favourite stuffy was gone or at least broken.

Max took in a deep breath, and Seb braced himself for the increase in noise, which never came. Instead the face lost the anguished look, instead becoming more neutral, guarded.

"You can go now. I'm big," Max said, his voice serious but calm, and his gaze not directed at Sebastian at all. Getting up from where he was kneeling, Max stood up straight, his shirt just grazing the top his bum, which was still red with stripes and splotches no there.

Seb couldn't help but notice how, even though he looked calm, he was still clutching the bunny ear tightly to himself.

"Max?" Seb asked, knowing that no matter how calm the one outwardly looked, there was no way that there wasn't some turmoil going on inside the little's mind,

"What?" Max asked, distracted, looking at him and then away, his gaze glancing over the ravage in his room, probably searching for a way to deal with it all.

"Max, are you feeling okay?" Seb asked cautiously, and Max looked at him and for a moment he did nothing but stare, but the he seemed to come to himself again.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Max answered, then seeming to realise he was naked from the waist down, "need to put on some pants,"

Seb frowned when Max stepped over the ripped up pyjama's and the scattered clothing and went straight to his luggage, opening up another compartment, still with the bunny ear in his hand. He took a smaller bag out of there, opening that one, and the frowned at the contents, a look of on his face that screamed that he was at a loss what to do suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Seb asked coming closer, but Max doesn't move. Frowning Seb took the bag out of Max's his unresisting hands, and looked inside, seeing the white diapers in there and trying to hide his surprise at them. It was one thing for Max to wear them when he was taking a nap, but the fact was that the little had been searching for them now.

Little MaxieWhere stories live. Discover now