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"Jared, I'm warning you, I'm an empathetic vomiter-- you throw up, I'm gonna throw up right back on you, and it will be profoundly disgusting." Coach was yet again screaming at Jared.

Jared whimpered, "Please don't talk about throwing up... It's not good..." he shook his head.

Coach groaned beyond annoyed at this point, "I might throw up on you just to make a point, Jared."

To which Jared responded weakly, "It's not good... It's not good..."

Now, the rest of you, don't think we're gonna miss this meet because of a slight traffic jam... a minor tornado warning... Jared... We're gonna make this thing. Nothing is gonna stop us!" Coach told everyone.

Making Stiles raise his hand up.

"Stilinski, put your hand down."

Stiles spoke out, "You know, there's, like, a food exit about a half mile up. I don't know, if we stop, and then maybe-"

"We're not gonna stop." Coach shouted.

Stiles countered, "Okay, but if we stop--"

"Stilinski!" Coach blew his whistle, "Shut it! Seriously! It's a little bus! Stop asking me questions!"

Stiles groaned, "I hate him. Did you call Deaton?" he asked Scott.

"I keep getting his voicemail." he answered.

"That's it. I'm calling Lydia and Allison." Stiles told them.

Scott questioned Stiles, "How are they gonna help, back in Beacon Hills?"

Chloe chuckled, "No they're not."

"They've been following us for hours." Stiles scoffs,"Pathetic."

"Hey, Stiles! Yeah, we're just about to walk into a movie! Uh, you know, the popcorn, and-" 

"I know you guys are right behind us. Put me on speaker." Stiles responded, as he did the same with his phone so that Chloe could hear.

"Okay..." Lydia accepted defeat at her bad attempts of lying.

"Okay, look, Scott's still hurt."

"What do you mean, "still?" He's not healing?" Allison asked.

Stiles responded, "No, he's not healing. I think he's actually getting worse. The blood's turning, like, a black color..."

Chloe visibly winced.

"W-what's wrong with him?" Lydia asked. 

"What's wrong with him?" I don't... Do I have a Ph.D. in lycanthropy? How am I supposed to know that?" Stiles shouted.

"We need to get him off the bus." Allison stated.

"And take him where, a hospital?" Lydia asked Allison.

"If he's dying, yeah." Allison told Lydia, "Stiles, there's a rest area about a mile up. Tell the coach to pull over"  She told Stiles.

"Yeah, I've been trying..." Stiles tells them, sounding angry at coach.

"Well, reason with him." Allison suggests making Chloe laugh, "I didn't know you were that funny Allison." she laughed further.

"Reason? Have you met this guy?" Stiles added.

"Just try something!" Allison stated and cuts the call.

Making Stiles go upto coach, "Coach, it's five minutes for a bathroom break, okay? We've been on this thing for, like, three hours-" Coach blows his whistle, But Stiles continues anyways, "It's sixty miles to the next rest stop--" whistle "Being cooped up for hours is not good-" whistle "You know, our bladders aren't exactly-" whistle "Coach, this is-" whistle  "Can you please-" whistle "LET ME TALK-" Stiles shouts but, whistle "I'm--" whistle  "Every time-" Coach whistles for what it felt like an eternity.

"Get back to your seat, Stilinski!" Coach screamed.

Stiles screamed, "OKAY!"

Coach looks over at Jared, "Jared, keep your eyes on the horizon."

Which plans Stiles an idea, making him go sit next to Jared, "Hey, Jared... How you doing?"

He gives him an evil smile.

"Oh this reminds of third grade." she looked at her brother, "tuna melt." she grins making Scott gag.

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this and the next episode have gotta be my favourite onesseason three was the best season no doubt. at all.

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