A Few Scratches in the Discs

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Dream stepped over a bush and looked upon the big lake that sat near the edge of the forest. “Wow, this place is beautiful!” he smiled under his mask. He was excited to start a world with his friends and live in peace with them till the end of their days.


A man in a blue shirt with short brown hair had tripped over the bush and face planted next to Dream. Dream snapped out of his daydream and wheezed at the man, nearly falling over in the process.

“Oh haha Dream” The man sassed as his put his white goggles on and stood up.

“Oh come on, George. That was funny” Dream said, snickering to himself.

George gave him a dirty look “If you didn’t run off on me I might’ve seen the bush” he brushed himself off then looked at the lake. “Wow thats a big lake”

“Yup! Perfect to build a lake house on” Dream said, gently nudging George. George nodded in agreement.

Over the weeks, Sapnap, Punz, Sam, Ponk, Allysa, BBH, and Callahan joined and were making themselves homes, getting pets, farming, and mining together. It was peaceful like Dream wanted. Well not counting the “sibling” fights George and Sapnap have almost everyday.

While Dream and Punz were taking a stroll through the forest, Dream noticed a small cave that he doesn't remember seeing before, and walked into it with Punz following him from behind. Upon entering the cave, Dream saw a dim green glow in the distance. It was silently calling for him and he followed that glow. It wasn’t long before he found what was emitting the glow. At the end of the cave there was a dark green leather book on a cracked obsidian lectern. The cracks were oozing out a luminice purple liquid almost like it was crying. Dream carefully picked up the book and stared at it like he was under a trace. The eyes of his mask glowed green as golden letters appeared on the book's cover, reading “The book of the dead By Kristen Minecraft”.

Worried for his friend, Punz grabbed Dream’s shoulder “Dream? Are you ok?” he asked, not paying attention to the book.

Dream turned his head to him, the green glow from the mask reflected in Punz’s blue eyes. “Punz, We can be immortals” the unstable smile could be heard in his tone of voice.

“Immortal?” Punz said quietly “But Dream, we don’t need that. I’ve already accepted the fact that I’ll outlive you. Immortality won’t help-”

“But we can find the answers to all of life's questions!” Dream exclaimed, spreading his arms wide.

Punz debated about whether he should join Dream or talk him out of it. As they thought about it, a small but persuasive voice interrupted his thoughts. A smile formed on his face “Yeah, we can, but we should be secretive of it so no one can stop us” Punz suggested.

“Oooo yes! Punz, you're the best!” Dream said as he put the book in his pocket.

The two went back to the community house and continued their day normally. No one questioned the strange change in the two’s personalities, but a few were worried for them and wondered what happened on that walk in the forest. George was the only one blind to the change.

Back to the present…

Dream took a deep breath “I wanted peace on the server so I could have a nice fun life with my friends.” he said, finally answering Tommy’s question.

Tommy didn’t look too satisfied by that answer “what about what you told me in prison and at your base?”

Dream went silent again, his mind was plagued by the book. Like the book was sentient and had a hold of him “Tommy- I… I don’t think I have or had full control of myself after I found the book- it wasn’t even called the revival book originally.” He explained.

“What was the original name for the book?” Tommy asked.

“It was called ‘The book of the dead’ and it was written by someone named Kristen-” Dream said, almost confused by the author's name.

Tommy felt like he knew the author “Kristen what? What was the last name?”

“Minecraft- it was Kristen Minecra- OH MY GOD-  Phil’s married to a Kristen, right!?” Dream yelled as the realization hit him.

“Yes,” Tommy answered.

“I took death’s book! And I could’ve asked Philza if I could talk to her instead of experimenting with the spells!” Dream said, starting to feel like an idiot. “Oh my god- Tommy I’m an idiot!”

“I mean I already knew that, but at least you admitted to it” Tommy said, half jokingly.

“Fuck you, but holy shit- if I had talked with Phil about the book I’m sure he would’ve told me about his wife” Dream rambled.

“You still can,” Tommy said

Dream shook his head “no, now isn’t the right time. I’m not sure when it is but now isn’t” Dream explained.

“Ok, but do you feel more like yourself now?” Tommy asked

“I’m starting to, I don’t have the original book or its copies in my possession so I think its effects are wearing off. I don’t even remember half of what was in the book now- I-I think that’s a good thing.” Dream said, visibly more relaxed around Tommy.

Tommy smiled “that’s good, Dream. You don’t need to apologize to me. I understand what happened and I should be the one to apolog-”

“Don’t Tommy, your actions are justified in my mind, but I’ll try to make it up to you” Dream interrupted.

Tommy smiled and the two continued to have a normal conversion about their day. George had been quietly watching the two. He smiled seeing the two bond after so much hate, fighting, and war.

Over the next few weeks, Tommy volunteered to help George and Dream. He would go to Niki and bake bread, cake, or pies with her as a way to make up with her. Afterwards, he would pay for either two bread, a cake, or a pie to give as a gift for Dream and George. Tommy will also go to Tubbo and collect flowers with Ranboo. Then he would go to Eret’s castle and make flower crowns with them, also to be gifts for Dream and George. He even visits with Shroud when Purpled is too busy to babysit.

[Callahan whispers to <*$$*\*/: do you have everything ready?]

[<*$$*\*/ whispers to Callahan: I do. He's recovered enough to walk around the server again.]

[Callahan whispers to <*$$*\*/: good, meet me at this location $%#,$#,%$!]

[<*$$*\*/ whispers to Callahan: as soon as his SO has finished handing out his gifts, I'll bring them both. You may need to meet us there with Puffy.]

[Callahan whispers to <*$$*\*/: Will do, She won’t be hard to find]

[<*$$*\*/ whispers to Callahan: alright. Thank you again for your help. He really needs this getaway.]

[Callahan whispers to <*$$*\*/: It’s no problem, I’m glad I could help ^^]

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