Roasted Shrooms

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(art by Toaster Bounce)

The next morning wasn’t as peaceful as anyone would’ve thought. Purpled and Yogurt ran into Punz’s room and both shook Wilbur and Punz awake, they were panicking as Punz and Wilbur woke up.

“Kids? What’s going on?” Wilbur asked as he sat up.

“There’s a big black smoke cloud coming from Kinoko Kingdom!” Purpled yelled, trying to drag Punz out of bed. Wilbur and Punz looked at each other with concerned looks before they got out of bed and rushed outside. Fundy was there with Sophie in his arms, she was still asleep. The smell of cooking mushrooms was everywhere.

“Oh my- We need to see if everyone is ok!” Punz shouted as he ran in the direction of the smoke. Wilbur and the rest of the household followed him. Once they get there they find out that half of the server members were already there. All of them were staring and quietly chatting about George's house that was completely engulfed in flames. Punz spotted Sapnap and ran over to him. “Sapnap! Is everyone okay? What happened?”

Sapnap was still in his pj’s and Karl was half awake resting on his shoulder “I think, I don’t know what happened. There was no thunderstorm last night so I don’t have a clue what started the fire”

Wilbur walked up to Punz’s left side, he had been looking at the crowd of people watching the fire “Where’s George?” the moment those words left Wil’s mouth everyone went silent. They were so focused on the fire itself that no one thought about if George had safely exited his house. A wave of silent horror washed over everyone as faint pained screaming echoed from the burning building, but before anyone could step in to save George, the house's roof caved in and the screams stopped. The caved in roof had reduced the flames to half before the rain started up.

Punz gently grabbed Sapnap’s arm “I’ll help you make a grave for him” he said quietly. Sapnap nodded and carefully carried Karl back to his house. Slowly everyone else started going home too. After Wilbur took everyone in the household home, Punz checked the server chat. “Where’s George’s death message?”

“George was eaten alive by mushrooms”

“Oh! There it- wait- WHAT THE FUCK!?” Punz stared at the message in horror and confusion. “He didn’t die from the fire or the building caving in?” he quietly muttered to himself.

Sapnap walked over to Punz now dressed in his black full bodysuit and black cargo pants. “Are you really going to bury George with your pj’s on?”

Punz slowly showed Sapnap George’s death message. Sapnap’s face showed immense amounts of horror and disgust. Punz closed the chat and both walked to the charred remains of the house. One by one the two carefully lifted sections of the house and moved them off to the side so they could get to George’s body. After about an hour of excavating the house they finally got to their friend’s half charred half shroom covered body. Neither of them had any idea that mushrooms could grow and eat someone so quickly, but, with disgusted faces, they carefully removed the body from the rubble and carried it to the big tree that was in the center of the mushroom nation. There they carefully dug a big enough hole to fit George in. After they made the gavestone and put the dirt back, they sat under the tree to rest for a bit.

Punz gave out a sigh “Do you think we should bury Dream next to George?”

Sapnap squinted at the sky as he thought about it “Yeah why not? I mean ‘till death do them part’ I guess”

Punz chuckled at the quote “Let’s go talk to Sam.” Sapnap gave a small nod as both of them got up and walked to the prison.

At the prison…

“Sam, what do you mean a grey piglin hybrid stole his body?” Punz asked, very confused how that even happened.

“I was going to bury Dream myself but while I was carrying his body to the graveyard then this grey piglin hybrid tackled me to the ground, growled, then ran off with Dream’s body! I tried chasing them but as soon as I got to the nether they were nowhere to be seen” Sam explained once more to the two guys in front of him.

Sapnap was speechless but he also looked like he might burst out laughing. Punz was trying their hardest to not laugh at the image of Sam getting tackled by a piglin. “Wait, Punz since you have the revival book can’t you revive George and Dream?”

“Oh yeah, I remember Dream giving you that” Sam said like it was the most normal thing to say.

“I should revive them soon- because according to what I know from Wilbur. The limbo time moves way faster than our time.” Punz said as he thought.

“I believe it’s one day here equals to one month in the limbo and I’m going off from when Tommy was revived” Sam added.

“So going by that, Dream has been in limbo for about two months now” Sapnap calculated.

Punz thought about when to revive Dream and George. “Maybe I’ll revive them both tomorrow?”

Sam gave an uncomfortable look “You sure that isn’t too soon?”

“Maybe by the end of the week? I mean Wilbur has been dead for two months and is way better than before” Sapnap suggested.

“Ok, I mean their limbo can't be that bad, right?” Punz said, agreeing with the two.

Just after the group agreed on the date, Quackity came running to Sam and hopped onto him like he was avoiding something. Soon the little fox kit came running over with yellow feathers in its mouth. Punz picked up the fox and held them in a way they couldn't bite anyone.

“What the hell happened?” Sam questioned.

“I’ll tell you what happened! That foxes mother turned into me but with different colors, then a big black slime ate the whole strip club! A-and then the mom fox told that baby fox to attack me!!” Quackity explained in an angered tone. Everyone looked at him like he lost his mind.

Punz started backing away “I think I’ll just go home now, bye” He quickly walked home with Foxett. “You need to stop attacking everyone,” he said to the fox.

Once he got home he put Foxett back into their cage, then walked to his room to change into his usual white hoodie and knee torn black jeans. Punz was about to walk out of his bedroom when the shine of his amulet caught his eye. He walked over to it and picked it up “... heh… my first gift on this planet” he rotated the amulet to the back where Dream’s signature was carved along with a little smiley face “He was the first to teach me how to be human. At first I thought he had taught others this too, but in reality he wasn’t human either… and his brother- Foolish, he was the one to put the illusion spell on the amulet” he said, only talking to himself the whole time. Punz smiled a small bit as he pocketed the amulet. “I think I’ll revive him earlier than Sam wants” he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

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