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Over the days, the two got to know each other more as good friends than old enemies. Wilbur was out mining, to hopefully fully pay off his debt to Punz, when he ran into Ponk. Surprised that someone was in his private mine, Wilbur started to run away.

“Hey! Wait!” Ponk chased after him, unfortunately Wilbur trapped himself at a dead end.

“Shit” he quietly said as Ponk caught up.

“Hey, slow down. I just wanted to know who you were” Ponk said, huffing through their mask.

Wilbur turned to him, he looked like a trapped rat. Wilbur didn’t know how to communicate to Ponk without revealing who he was.

Ponk looked him up and down “you look familiar” they walked closer, trying to figure out why he was familiar. Wilbur backed himself up against the cave wall. “Hmm”

“Ponk! Where are you?” Sam yelled.

Ponk backed up and turned to the exit of the mine “I’m down in a mine I found! What is it?”

“Lightning struck one of your lemon trees and caught it on fire!”

Ponk quickly ran out of the mine, leaving Wilbur alone. He sighed “omg I almost got caught” he thought as he walked to the exit and made sure no one was around before he sprinted back to Punz’s house. He walked in and pulled down his face mask. He was breathing heavily.

“Woah, what happened?” Punz walked over to him.

Wilbur took a deep breath “Ponk almost found out. he cornered me in the mine. Luckily one of his lemon trees caught on fire” he blurted out between breaths.

“Oh- you shouldn’t go out for a while if he knows where your mine is,” Punz suggested.

Wilbur nodded. "I'll get changed in my room" Wilbur walked to a strangely shaped wood plank and lifted it up, revealing the poorly lit room underneath. He climbed down the ladder and put the plank back in its original place, and as soon as the plank thumped into place, someone knocked on the door. He listened to who it was, thinking it might be Dream visiting, but the footsteps were new.

"Hey Ponk, what are you doing here? Need something?" Punz said as he answered the door.

"Have you seen someone wearing a long black cape and a black face mask around the server?" Ponk asked.

"no I haven't, why?" Punz said, convincingly puzzled.

"because I saw them walk into your home" it went dead silent.

Wilbur knew he had no way out of this, but he tried to find a fast and quiet exit anyway.

"Ponk you're going to have to promise me one thing" Punz said in a serious tone.

"what is it?" Ponk asked.

"Tell no one what I'm about to show you- I mean this in all seriousness"

"the secret is safe with me" there was a knock signaling for Wilbur to come out of hiding. He hesitated to leave, but he could trust Punz. He slowly lifted the wood plank and pulled himself out of the hiding spot, still wearing the disguise, he stood beside Punz silently.

“So they’ve been living with you?” Ponk asked with a not-so-visible smile.

“Yeah, he was paying me back for hiding him. That's why that mine is there” Punz explained.

“Why is he hiding?”

Punz looked at Wilbur “do you want to tell them?”

He took a deep breath “yeah” he took off the mask again and adjusted his beanie so his hair was showing.

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