The Blind and the Mycophobic

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Once George and Punz got to Punz’s house, Wilbur showed George and Punz where Dream was.

Knock knock knock “Is it safe to come in Puffy?” Wilbur asked.

“Yes, you may come in, Wilbur,” Puffy answered. Wilbur opened the door and let George enter first. George walked in and covered his mouth once he saw Dream. Dream was silently sitting on a bed with a red cloak that Puffy gave him wrapped around his whole body. He wasn’t shaking as much anymore but still visibly scared.

“Dream!?” George shouted as he ran to hug Dream, but Dream hid behind Puffy before he could wrap his arms around him. Dream was shaking horribly again.

“D-don’t hurt m-me-” Dream said in a shaky voice that was filled with fear towards the idea of the crows mother coming to drag him back to the hell he just escaped from. George looked visibly hurt by that.

“George, he can’t see and is having a hard time recognizing voices” Puffy explained as Dream sat up when he heard George’s name.

“George?” He stopped hiding from behind Puffy. “Is it really you?” He said, slowly taking the mask off.

“Yes it is Dream” George said calmly as he gently hugged Dream. Dream hesitantly hugged back and buried his face into George’s shoulder. Punz, Wilbur, and Puffy watched in silence as the two bonded. Quiet sobs came from Dream as they hugged.

After a few minutes, Dream had fallen asleep on George. George held the long white haired ram hybrid in his arms. He turned to other three “I’ll watch over him while he sleeps”

Puffy and Wilbur nodded before walking away to the main room.

“Don’t forget to sleep too, George,” Punz stated. They walked off to join Wilbur after George nodded to him.

When Punz entered the main room, he saw Sapnap pacing back and forth, Karl nervously fidgeting with his hands on the couch, and Tommy impatiently tapping his foot in the corner of the room. Once they realized Punz was in the room all attention went to him.

Sapnap stopped pacing and faced towards him “Are they ok? What happened to them?” he quickly asked, his eyes begging for answers on what happened to his best friends.

Punz was quiet for a bit “I’m not sure what happened to them in the limbo. Their ghosts said that the limbos were peaceful but I think there's something we’re missing, so I’ll talk to them tomorrow. For now I’m letting them rest.” he explained calmly.

Sapnap nodded, understanding, but it didn’t make him less worried.

Tommy stopped tapping his foot “ok- but what wor- concerns me the most is the big ‘XD’ scar that was carved into his face, it looks like that’s what blinded him-”

Karl froze “‘XD’?” he whispered to himself.

Techno, who followed Philza to see the revivals, recognized the name “Wait- Phil, didn’t we meet a DreamXD while trying to make a table for the book club?”

“Oh yeah, he didn’t seem happy with our table at the time” Phil added.

“He was probably just jealous of our cool table,” Techno stated proudly.

“Wait, hold on, you meet XD? What is he?” Punz questioned.

“Some sort of god or demi-god in the server I guess,” Philza answered.

Tommy laughed confused “So you’re saying that Dream and George pissed off a god?”

“I can see how Dream did, but George? What did George do?” Wilbur said, adding to the conversation.

“That's something we have to ask them-” Punz replied.

While the group continued to talk, they failed to notice the tiny potato rolling across the floor and out the door and the white fox walking to Dream and George’s room, or the fact that a rock with googly eyes was, somehow, chasing a black blob in the hallway.

The next day, Punz checked up on Dream and George to find George awake. “Oh, did you wake up early?” he asked George.

“No, I haven’t been able to sleep at all, but Dream slept like a baby all night. I’m glad he didn’t have any nightmares” George said in a clearly tired voice.

“After Dream wakes up I’ll take him so you can sleep” Punz instructed.

“No, Punz. You don’t understand. I tried having Puffy help me before she left and nothing worked- I- I have insomnia, Punz-” George explained.

“Oh- I think I have some melatonin pills. You take one tonight and see if it works, ok?” Punz said.

George smiled “yeah, that might work. Thank you”

Punz smiled back “You’re welcome”

Dream woke up just as they finished talking, he yawned which caused the other two to yawn too. “Mm” he snuggled into George’s chest.

“Morning Dream” George said softly.

“Morning George” Dream replied, a bit muffled by the cape from Puffy and George’s shirt.

“I do have some questions for you two” Punz said as he turned the light on in the room, he didn’t see the white fox curled up by the bed.

“What is it?” Dream asked, he seemed much calmer with George.

Punz took a deep breath to prepare himself “What happened to you two in the limbo?” he asked sternly.

Both of them froze and had a look of pure terror on their faces like they did yesterday.

“... It was XD- he…” George started “he made my limbo hell- I-I was surrounded by huge mushrooms a-and the roots- the-ey were IN me and taking eve-erything in me- I was their main food source- but the worst part is there were skeletons of every. Single. Member of this server- they were covered in smaller shrooms… Dream’s body was the closest to me but I couldn’t reach him- I co-ouldn’t reach anyone! It hurt to move! I-it felt like the roots were going to tear me ap-part if I moved!” George sobbed as his body was shaking horribly.

Punz's eyes were wide with horror, he couldn’t. No, he didn’t want to imagine what that looked like. He felt sick just thinking about it. They didn’t know what to say.

Dream held onto George “I-i don’t know if XD w-was at fault b-but my limbo was a m-maze of mirrors… my mask was l-like sup-per glued on an-nd there was a v-voice constantly asking me if I kn-new what I was, who I-I am, what I l-look like, and oth-ther taunts… There was no end- the ceiling and the floor w-were mirrors, too. W-when I broke a mirror there was another b-behind it… th-then when I managed to get the top h-half of the mask o-off my vision started getting blurry and I felt dizzy bef-fore I woke up i-in the prison blind…” Dream’s voice slowly went into a scared whisper.

Punz couldn’t believe the amount of pain the two went through. They didn’t know what to do for them. The only thing he could think of at that moment was to hug them both.

Wilbur was outside the door the whole time and had heard everything. He walked away and talked to Phil about what he heard. Not long after their conversation, Philza left the house without letting anyone know where or what he was doing, except Wilbur. He had an idea of what his father was doing.

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