Death's Punishment

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It had been just over a week since Dream and George were revived, Puffy had started giving them therapy and Ponk, with supervision from Sam, helped nurse the two back to health since both were malnourished and had trouble sleeping most nights, most likely from the limbo. Everyone involved did their best to make sure they didn’t separate or get hurt. Though they still have their moments when Dream gets left behind by accident, but it's normally at Punz’s house.

This day wasn’t like the other times they lost him.

Sam was with George, Ponk, and Sapnap walking on the prime path. Sam and Ponk were talking about the improvement of Dream and George’s health over the week. Sapnap was looking at the sky listening and George was in his own thoughts not really paying attention to his surroundings.

Sapnap looked at George and gently poked his shoulder “Hey, you alright George?”

George snapped out of his train of thought and looked at Sapnap, “Yeah I’m fine, just thinking that’s all-”

“About what?” Just as Sapnap finished his question he noticed that Dream wasn’t clinging onto George’s back, in fact he wasn’t anywhere to be seen. “Don’t answer that actually”

Sam and Ponk stopped talking when they heard the worried tone in Sapnap’s voice. Before they could ask what was wrong they realized that Dream wasn’t with them.

“Where’s Dream?” Sam asked, pointing behind George.

George looked behind him “oh no-”


Everyone was quiet as they quickly realized who’s scream that was.


Before anyone could react, George was already running to the screams. The other three followed him after realizing that he was going to the screams.

George followed the scream to the edge of a forest, his gut feeling was correct when he saw Dream on the ground shaking and bleeding from his heavily broken ram horns and XD looming over him with two of his floating hands covered in blood and one holding a horn. George quickly put himself between the two and pushed XD back.

“Leave him alone XD!!!” He yelled at the deity “What did he do to you!?”

XD snarked “HE betrayed my trust with that revival book!! He gave it to Punz! Who was going to kill him!! And you! You also betrayed me!! You were going to try to kill me! I saw it in your dream!!”  XD raised his hand to attack George but someone grabbed his hand before he lowered it. “Wha- who the he-” XD looked up to see a 12ft tall figure in a big black dress with purple and gold lining and embroidery, a big black sun hat with a veil covering their face, and a big purple hardcore heart brooch. He visibly weakened under their gaze “M-ms. Death- h-h-how did you-”

“Did I know you were here breaking my rules after I banned you from the mortal world?” The goddess of Death said coldly, lifting XD up by his hand. “Your friends HD and Pandas told me after asking me why I had punished you, because you lied to them about what happened.”

On her shoulders was an elegantly dressed deer deity with ‘HD’ glasses that looked like George on her left and a panda hybrid warrior deity on her right that looked similar to Sapnap.

XD growled at the smaller deities “you traitors!! You helped me get here!!!”

HD rolled his eyes “You’re the one who tricked us. I can’t believe I helped you, Alex would be so disappointed”

“Leave my mentor out of this!!” XD yelled.

“She’s not going to want to be your mentor with what you’ve done! He let the end portal thing with Phil and Techno slide, but when you messed with the limbos they told me that you were a disappointment!” Pandas retaliated.

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