Broken Mask and Blue Eggs?

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(back to the normal storyline)

I went to visit Purpled today and found his UFO destroyed. Quackity happened to be walking by me at that time. "Hey, Quackity?" He turned to me "oh hey Punz, how are you?" He greeted me kindly "good I guess, but do you have any idea what happened to Purpled's UFO?" "uh well, someone blew it up and I offered him a place at Las Nevadas!" "Las Nevadas?" "It's my country! Wanna go visit it?" "uh sure?" I followed Quackity to Las Nevadas and he gave me a quick tour of the area. "and this is where you can speed run a wedding" I almost laughed at that "speaking of which, how have you and your-" "separated, Karl thinks I killed him and Sapnap thinks I abandoned them-" "oh, I'm sorry" I looked at the wedding bridge and thought about how beautiful it would be if me and Wilbur were married there. Wait, I don't even know if he likes me in that way or if he'll ever return. I shook my head clearing the thoughts. "So where's Purpled?" "I'll show you!" Quackity quickly led me to the hotel and to the room Purpled had booked. "Here is his room, he should be in there. I'll be in the casino if you need anything!" "Ok" Quackity hurried off, leaving me alone. I hesitated to knock. I was unsure if he even wanted to see me after the red banquet. The door cracked open enough for him to peek out of the crack. I waved a little with a small smile. I could see his eyes widen right before he pulled me into the room. I stumbled in as he locked the door behind us. "What are you doing here!?" He quietly yelled "I wanted to visit you" "please tell me you didn't make a deal with Quackity" "I didn't? What's going on?" "Did you see my UFO or what's left of it" "yeah, that's kinda one reason I'm here" "Quackity is the one who blew it up! After the banquet, he paid me then blew it up right in front of me, just so I can join him here" "he didn't say he was the one who did it- so he manipulated you into this by destroying your home!?" "yeah!" "I should've done this from the beginning, but I was letting you be yourself-" "what do you mean?" I took a deep breath "Son, do you want to leave with me? It might be weird for you, but I don't trust you being with Quackity" his eyes lit up. I haven't seen him look this happy in years. "Yes! Please anywhere but here!" He was practically jumping with joy. I smiled at him, as I had missed him being happy and safe. "Ok, let's go now" "yes! I'll get my things, I'll meet you at the fountain!" "ok, I'll be there" I waved bye as he unlocked the door and led me out. I stood in front of the fountain waiting for him.

A half hour passed and he ran to me with a backpack on. "Ok! I'm ready to go!" He smiled to me. I smiled back "ok let's go before Quackity sees us" he nodded as we left Las Nevadas, and hopefully we don't have to go back. Strangely Fundy followed us to my house. I stopped before the front door and turned to Fundy "why are you following us?" Fundy was silent for a while "I- mm I need a trusting adult who hasn't given me a false sense of purpose" he replied avoiding eye contact with me. "Why me specifically? I took two of your dad's lives and was against you for a long time" "because we're the same, being used as someone's toy and not treated like a real person. Also I wanted to know if Wilbur had changed for the better-" "let's go inside and continue this conversation first" "ok" all three of us walked inside and I got Purpled's room prepared for him before going back to Fundy. We sat down on the couch in the front of my house. "So you wanted to be with someone who will treat you like a person and if Wilbur had changed for the better, right?" "Mhm" he nodded, fiddling his fingers in-between his knees nervously. "I'm not entirely sure how he was before the 16th, but he wasn't as confident and was really friendly and kind. He has also forgiven Eret" "that sounds like he has gotten better" Fundy smiled "I didn't know If I'll forgive him for leaving when I needed him the most, but I'll give him a second chance" he added "sounds good Fundy and were you trying to ask if you could move in with me? Or?" He looked away "I was wondering if you'd be my dad-" I was surprised "didn't Eret try to adopt you?" "They forgot to show up-" "oh- I didn't know if Philza would allow me to" "he doesn't seem to care for me" it went silent for a while. Chaotic rolled into the room "I'MA ADOPT HIM!" Me and Fundy stared at them "no, he asked me. He doesn't know you" "I. Don't. Care." "I do and I got first dibs" "nu uh- I do!" "you have feathers" "I want two kids!" "no!" "yes!" "Fundy gets to decide who gets to be his parent" "fine!" I looked at Fundy, who was extremely confused about the whole situation. "uh- I want Punz to be my parent- sorry" "damnit-" chaotic rolled away "who or what was that?" "that was Chaotic, one of like 8 shapeshifters that decided to live with me" "oh-" " also yes I'm adopting you. If you want you can move closer to me or you and Purpled can share a room" "I'll think about it" Pesky landed on his shoulder shortly after he finished talking. "Can I adopt yogurt?" I looked at them confused, "who?" "how in the fuck do you know about my kid?" Pesky was silent then flew off "that doesn't answer my question!" "You have a kid?" "yup" "can I meet them one day?" Fundy nodded "yeah I'll bring them over with me".

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