The Amulet

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"Uugh..." the white and light blue alien grumbled as they climbed out of the giant smoking crater. After they were out they looked back at the crater to see the horribly crushed and twisted metal that once was a spaceship. Panic set in as they realized that they were missing something or someone.

"Hey! Calm down, they're right here" a young voice said. The alien looked over to see a masked dirty blonde boy in a green hoodie holding a small purple alien that almost looked identical to them. The white alien ran over to carefully take the smaller alien from the boy "They have a few scratches but seem ok for the most part"

The alien sighed in relief that the small alien was ok, then there was an awkward silence between the two. Eventually, the boy held out his hand for a hand shake "I'm Dream by the way, what's your name?" the white alien stared at him in confusion. "Oh, you don't understand what I'm saying-" Dream thought for a moment about what to do "oh! I know! Stay here, I'll be back!" he ran off, leaving the white alien puzzled.

The alien sat down by the crater with the small purple alien and waited for Dream. About twenty minutes later Dream returned with two gold chain necklaces. He kneeled down to the white alien's level and put the necklace, with an eye of ender amulet, around their neck. The alien looked at Dream confused, but when they looked down at the necklace their whole appearance changed.

"What the-" they covered their mouth "how- I- I'm speaking a different language but I also understand what I'm saying?" The white alien looked up at Dream "What did you do-" they said in a dead serious tone.

"I gave you an amulet that can help you blend in with humans, because humans don't like things that aren't 'normal'. Like they've had wars and big conflicts over the color of their skin or over love and gender. It's dumb I know, but I can't risk you or the little one getting harmed by them. My older brother is the one who put the spell on it" Dream explained as he put the smaller of the two necklaces he had on the small purple alien. "Oh, since you couldn't understand me before, My name is Dream. What's yours?"

"It's Punz and this is my son Purpled," Punz said as they looked down at Purpled, who's appearance had also changed.

"Son? How old are you? You look to be around my age and I'm only 15. Did you adopt him? No offense of course, I'm adopted, too" Dream said in a frantic way.

"I'm 34 and Purpled is almost 3 years old. He is my biological son. Do humans not have their first hatchling when they hit puberty?" Punz asked, very confused by human society.

Dream inhaled, put his hands together, and put them up to where the smile is on his mask "For legal reasons no. let's just take you to my house so I can explain it to you" Punz nodded but as the three were about to head to Dream's place, they heard Mexican screaming and crying as a short duck hybrid boy run pasted them with his butt covered in a blanket of fire then when they looked in the direction he came from they saw a big white fox with multiple tails gently rubbing one of its many tails. They stared in awe for a moment before the fox looked at them, then they speed walked away not wanting to end up like that kid's butt.

Punz quietly hummed to himself as the sun set behind the walls of L'manburg, it had been a few weeks, maybe months, since they started the war with this country. The sunset was peaceful until it was interrupted by Dream's pained mumbling. Punz looked over and saw that dream was missing his whole left arm and had blood running down heavily on his left side. He rushed over and caught Dream just as he collapsed. Punz quickly picked him up and carried him to their base. "Sam! Ponk! Help! Dream needs help!" The two rushed over to Punz.

"What happened!?" Sam yelled as Ponk carefully took Dream from Punz.

"I don't know! I was watching the sunset then I heard him mumbling and his arm was already gone" Punz exclaimed, being as panicked as the others.

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