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Haechan pov

I had just completed my Assignment. Ariana was of a lot of help, after the almost kissing moment we didn't talk about it, she was called by Jimin Hyung a few minutes ago. I packed my books into my bag getting ready to leave as it was already late.

I was on my way out her door when something caught my eye that was hanging by her mirror. I walked closer to the area and was shocked that she still had it but I was also filled with happiness knowing that she definitely didn't forget me if still had it, it was the necklace I had given her in our childhood before she left.

I picked it up and held it in my hand. I didn't realise when someone walked in and saw me holding it "Lee Donghyuck" my eye's widened. I turned and saw prenisha leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face. I gave her a questioned look but also hoping she didn't know that I'm Donghyuck.

"Oh yeah whose that?" She laughed and walked over to me "So Mr Donghyuck Lee Aka Haechan Lee, what's your deal here?" I looked at her a few seconds blinking my eye's thinking what to say, just when I was about to "don't deny it, I know who you are, it's not hard to put two and two together" I signed "fine you caught me but you can't tell Ariana yet I wanna be the one to do it" she chuckled and shook her head "don't worry I won't since it's for her own benefit, let me warn you though you hurt her and you're dead meat" I smiled "don't worry I would never hurt her, I'll rather kill myself before hurting her", "that's cheesy bro", "So what's your plan of action? I would be glad to help if you need any" She asked, "for now I have everything covered but if I need help I'll let you know" she nodded.

"By the way I hope you are the only one knows", she nervously smiled "well uhh about that" her hand went to rub the side of her neck "everyone kinda think or maybe realised that you are the admirer but not about the whole childhood thing"

Well I can live with that, I'll just have to make an excuse or something "ok I'll deal with it, I have to go it's getting late" I said looking at my watch it was almost 8pm. "I'll see yourl in Uni tomorrow", "yip bye" we waved eachother goodbye and I walked out the room, then down the stairs where I met Ariana. She was coming another room. "Oh you're done?", "Yeah thanks you helped me alot, it's getting late so I should leave now" she nodded "you wanna stay for dinner?" I would like to spend more time with her but maybe next time so I shook my head "maybe next time", "okay see you in school tomorrow"



7 Dream💚

Mark: Ay yo

Chenle: wassap my son

Mark: Dude we've been over this I'm older then you
I'm not you son🙄

Jaemin: Jisungie is my son🤗

Jisung: I'm not gonna even have this debate right now😑

Jeno: any of yourl did the Math Assessment Task 👀

Jaemin: we had a Math Assessment Task 👀😧

Renjun: yes and it's due tomorrow and no i am not sharing answers 😊

Me: good thing I did that the other day😌 I don't think I can handle more assignments 😭

Jeno: Ahh come on guyssss share plssss 🥺

Jaemin: plsssssssss🥺🥺

Renjun: Nope yourl can go and get your asses whipped by Mr Kim

Jaemin: Meanie

Jisung: Haechan Hyung

Me: yes Ji

Jisung: Are you Nonna's admirer???

Chenle: oh yeahhh we actually forgot about that

Mark: Dude your name is Donghyuck and it's the same initial.

Me: No|
Yes it's me😕
Is it a bad thing?

Jeno: Woah he's actually confessing

Jisung: it's okay Hyung if it's you I have no problem I will support you🤗

Jaemin: Awww🥺

Mark: ^

Chenle: ^^

Me: Thanks Ji that means alot

Renjun: Yeah there's nothing wrong in liking someone. We really happy for you Chan and we will always be there when you need us

Me: Thank you guys 🥺❤
since when are yourl so sweet to me

Mark: Uhh aren't we always?🤔

Me: Nope😐

Chenle: cause 99% of the time you're annoying

Me: I thought it's the other way around🙄


 тo мy ғιrѕт❀  lee dongнyυcĸ aĸa нaecнan ✿Ft DreamDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora