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Author pov

Ariana walked into the room and saw that the boy she bumped into was there. She rolled her eyes at the fact that she has to spend her classes with that rude guy.

Hayoon dragged her to the second last row in the back to sit and Haechan was behind them. Ariana took a seat and took out her textbooks from her bag and layed them on her desk.

The professor wasn't there yet so Hayoon and her started making conversation. "So where are you from?" Hayoon asked, "I'm originally from here Seoul but I moved away 14 years ago cause of family business now I'm back cause of family business", "wow 14 years that's long" , "yeah I lived in New York for those 14 years", "Ohh I've always wanted to go there it must've been nice", "it was i visited a lot of places there but then again I also didn't like leaving the house so I stayed at home most of the time" Hayoon nodded "any boyfriend" Hayoon asked wiggling her eyebrows and smirking. Ariana scoffed and shook her head "Nope never had one". "Wait like seriously not even one?" Hayoon gasped , "Nope" Ariana shook her head again and chuckled. "But whyyy??? There must of been so many cute guys in New York and you are beautiful as hell" Ariana couldn't help but to smile at the compliment "thanks but I wasn't really interested, but I do have a lot of the boys as friends". "Wow so you friend zoned all of them?" Hayoon asked chuckling, "i guess" Ariana said smiling.

Their conversation had to come to a hault as the male professor had walked in. Behind them was Haechan who was thinking in his head carefully about the fact that even like Ariana his first love had gone away from Korea 14 years ago Ari.


During their brake Hayoon Invited Ariana to sit with Yeri, Eunbi and herself which Ariana gladly accepted. Eunbi had bought all of them food today as too celebrate having a new friend to the group. They all got along very well and was welcoming towards Ariana.

Soon they noticed a group of 7 boys walking into the cafeteria. Eunbi and Yeri rolled their eyes. Ariana spotted two familiar faces in the group. One  of the rude guy that bumped into her this morning and the other was of her brother Jisung.

"Why do all the girls look like they gonna devour them" Ariana asked looked at how most of the girls in the cafeteria stopped what they were doing just to stare at the group with googly eyes. "They are like uhh you know like in the movies you get those Famous group of boys in each school and so on" Eunbi said and Ariana nodded "yeah they are that" Ariana made an "o" face. "No offence but why aren't yourl looking at them like that?" Ariana asked and the girls couldn't help but to laugh Ariana looked at them very confused. "One of them is my twin brother his name is Chenle" Yeri said "ahh that's why yourl look slightly alike" Ariana said and Yeri nodded. She then looked at Eunbi " same like her but my brother is Jaemin" Ariana nodded then looked at Hayoon "Don't look at me in that way I'm just not interested in them" she said and Ariana nodded once again.

"I see they made a new member" Yeri said looking at Jisung while they all sat at a few tables away from us "Ahh Jisung, I'm glad he made friends on his first day" Ariana said smiling, the girls looked at her weird. "You know him" Eunbi asked. Ariana nodded "he's my brother Park Jisung". "Oh so even you have a brother in that group" Hayoon said while munching on her burger. "I guess"

Ariana pov

After eating I was searching for my phone in my bag when I noticed I still had energy bar in my bag. Aish I forgot to give it to him.

"Hey Riri do you want a tour of the place?" Yeri asked "yeah we still have 30 minutes left before our next class" Hayoon said agreeing with her "Sure" I said. I guess I can give it to him while leaving.

We all stood up grabbing our bags and throwing our trash at the bins near. "Can we just stop by at their table I need to give Sung his energy bar" they all nodded and started walking.

When we reached the table some of the boys eyed  us confused especially the other girls brothers while Jisung like usual was more interested in his food then the things happening around him. I couldn't help but to smile while looking at while munching on his food cutely. Well what can I say I do love my baby brother. He was sitting across

"Hey sung hands up" he looked up and saw me then picked his hands slightly up. I threw the energy bar at him and he caught it then looked at it. "Ah thanks nonna" he smiled at me while chewing his food. "Yeah yeah I'll see you later, bye" I waved him goodbye and walked off with the girls.

Jisung pov

I made friends with Chenle today he's really nice he even introduced me to his friends they all are really welcome towards me.

After nonna gave me my energy bar I put it into my bag but when I looked up and saw all the guys looking at me questionably. I raised my eyebrows at them.

"How do you know that girl?" Haechan asked me "she's my sister Ariana" I smiled they all made "o" faces. "I wish my sister would give me stuff too" Jaemin pouted. "She's my older sister, she's ment to pamper me" I chuckled "Nevermind I'm the older one with Eunbi" Jaemin said and well all laughed. "Wait but Yeri was Born 1 hour before me which means she's older so I should get pampered too" I chuckled. They all started bickering about random things it was quite funny though.

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