Chapter 32

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The two women looked at each other before watching Rafal move closer to them. He was grinning wildly as his magic surrounded him and moved higher to encase his hands.

Someone had screamed and the students flooded out of the hall with the fairies and wolves. Even as everyone rushed past him the women found that they couldn't move, whether it was fear, anger, dread or magic that kept them there it didn't matter.

As the last student left the doors slammed shut leaving the four in the room, alone, he crept closer to the stage as the three looked at him in utter disgust.

“Come now, Scripta, hand over Lesso and I will leave.”

Scripta looked at him in confusion. “Why would you want her? I'm the one in your old job, don't you want that back?”

He chuckled as he started to climb his way onto the stage. “No, no, no, you see, i don't want my old position, i am perfectly happy with my near eternal life. However, I don't want you to finish your tale, that would mean that a new one will start, one in which I am defeated. Lesso needs to be taken away for that to happen.”

The reader hissed as she came to stand in front of her. “You are not having her. Even if you do get her, what are you going to do?”

He stared at her down. “There are two ways this will work: hand her over and I'll simply steal her away, or try to fight me and I will kill her.”

Scripta frowned. “I've beaten you before, I can and will do it again, move back.”

Clarissa gasped and Rafal turned to look at her with a chuckle. “Oh. Did they not tell you? I can't imagine that, keeping secrets from you, you're not exactly a good schoolmaster now, are you?”

The reader grumbled. “As if you have any right to talk, you lived a lie for two hundred years, we were going to tell her as soon as this damned announcement was over, we didn't want her to worry.”

The blonde looked away with a frown. “This is the second time, Lesso. It's shocking how you want to move forward and yet you still do things like this. I suppose you're working with him as well.”

The redhead openly gasped. “No, never again, I swear, we were preparing to fight him. For the love of fuck i even trained Scripta to use a sword. I am not on the same side as him, I swear.”

Rafal went to stand behind the good dean as he lent down to whisper in her ear. “Oh no, poor sweet Clarissa, they didn't think that the most sought after fairy godmother could look after herself. Or were they just covering their tracks, thanks to your new friend I know so much about this place.”

Scripta could feel herself swallow thickly. “What are you talking about? I haven't spoken to you, not since that night.”

He let his magic extend itself toward the reader with a chuckle. “Sometimes your reflection isn't always your own.”

The reader glared at him as she helped the redhead to stand. “The mirrors, you've seen all my conversations, the ones with Lesso and the Storian, you've heard everything I've said, you've even watched me sleep, why? Why do you want with me?”

He creeped his way over and growled once he was in her face. “You stole her from me and now I want to steal her from you, I want to punish you, I want you to feel the heartbreak that I did. I want you to be crushed by the knowledge that she loves me, she never loved you, it was simple infatuation, a crush, a mere positive thought.”

Scripta pulled the two of them back and Lesso glared at him with all the venom that she had, even though she was hanging off of the reader's shoulder she sent a shiver down Clarissa’s spine.

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now