Chapter 23

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Scripta rolled over on the soft surface she was placed on.

Where the fuck was she? Where was Lesso? Why was everything blurry? Was someone moving next to her?

She slammed her hand down on what looked like a dresser to try and find her glasses. They were folded, odd. Once they were placed on her face she let out a sigh.

Thank god, they were in Lesso's room. Looking next to her she noticed the dena curled into the reader side with her face buried in her own hair. She looked both adorable and worrying to Scripta.

Her worry was amplified when she gently pulled some of her hair out of the way and saw the expression on her face. She looked incredibly uncomfortable.

So, she did the only thing she thought of and pulled her so that she wasn't so tucked in and was in fact lead on her shoulder. She gently petted the messy red nest and started gently humming, which was enough to wake up Lesso.

She looked around rather wildly before homing in on the woman she was gently cuddling. "I'm sorry, I'll move."

Scripta held her grip on the redhead's back firm. "no need to, I quite enjoy the feeling of you cuddling me."

She had a raised eyebrow in response. "Are you certain? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

The reader nodded with a gentle smile. "Yes, Leo, I am certain. Now, why don't you go back to sleep? You looked quite peaceful."

Leonora shook her head. "I want to talk to you about something. When you fainted in the classroom I went into a panic attack. A severe one, one which made me collapse. Then, I need to move you into my office to get you away from students. I had to carry you, my leg is fucked up. I can't move it."

Scripta fully turned in her side so that she could look the dena in the face. "oh, Nora, are you okay? Is it painful?"

She shook her head but the tears had already started. "no, but surely you can't be okay with that. I mean, having a partner like me... One who can't even walk on her own."

Scripta placed her hand on the redhead's cheek. "Of course not, my darling Dean. Where on earth did you get that idea from? Was it something I did or said? Did I insinuate something without my knowledge?"

Lesso shook her head. "no, you didn't do anything. I just... Dovey found us up in my office when neither of us showed up for dinner and she dragged us over here so that we could rest, I had time to think and well, my mind wouldn't leave me be. Why would you choose someone like me?"

Scripta gave her a gentle kiss and a genuine smile. "Leo, I don't want anyone else. You are being lied to by your mind. Obviously you've been hurt in the past and that person got it into you that you're worthless in some way and you believed them... Didn't you?"

At the lower of the dean's head the reader sighed before placing her hand under Lesso's chin to lift her head. "Yes, Rafal he... Didn't hold the greatest opinion of me. I think that I may have taken his insults as fact. What do you think of me?"

Scripta wiped away a stray tear from her cheek and chuckled. "Honestly?"

She was given a firm nod in response. "Honestly. Tell me, please."

Scripta moved both of her hands to hold each of the redheads cheeks. She started with a kiss on the cheek. "You're cunning." her forehead. "smart." her other cheek. "incredibly good looking." her nose. "witty." her chin. "Resourceful." the corner of her lips. "passionate."

She glanced at her lips with a smirk. "But, the most important thing about you is that you're mine." Her lips were claimed gently and slowly so as to not scare her off.

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now