Chapter 20

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Scripta ignored her as she stepped into the room and walked closer to the quill.

She let her mind calm itself as she watched it write. “How is she?”

The quill paused. “Crying in Anemones arms, she's not going to talk to you for a long time. What on Earth got into you?”

The reader openly sighed. “I don't know, it just… kind of exploded out of me. I mean, knowing something like that and not telling anyone, it would have eaten me alive.”

The Storian sighed. “I know, just please, don't do it to anyone else. You'd bring the school to its knees in a matter of days.”

The reader chuckled. “Yeah, I would like for it to keep standing. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I did that.”

The quill was silent as she turned toward the dean and pointed at her with her tip.

Scripta looked at her with thinned lips and sighed. “Hey Lesso. Are you feeling alright? I do hope that Quilly over here has been treating you well.”

The redhead was silent as she looked over the reader's choice of outfit before looking at the quill floating next to Scripta. “She's been fine, even given me some tea but I would feel better if she told me why I was here.”

The reader raised her eyebrows at the quill and cleared her throat. “Well, why is she sitting up here?”

The Storian was silent before going back to her book.

Scripta rolled her eyes before looking at the very uncomfortable looking dean. “Hey.”

Leonora cleared her throat as she tried to look the woman in the eyes. “Hey.”

The reader thinned her lips and chuckled. “I've honestly missed you. Even if you were a short walk away.”

Lesso smiled. “I don't know if you've noticed but the bridge isn't exactly short. It's not really a quick walk, and i… didnt like that you weren't with me too.”

Scripta let a gentle smile graced her lips. “ Thanks. I've had an interesting day. The school for good is a little boring but the members of staff made it… interesting. Especially Anemone.”

Lesso nodded with a smirk. “If i was to say that i have a favourite it would be her. She reminds me quite a bit of a never. Entertaining to say the least.”

The reader looked over the redhead's face with a smile. “So, are we going to talk about it?”

The dean closed her eyes and sighed before lowering her head. “I knew this was coming and it still caught me out. We should. I know we should. Otherwise we'll never be able to look each other in the eyes again.”

Scripta sighed too as Leonora looked back up at her with a small guilty smile. “Well, to start off, I liked it. While it may have been a moment of weakness, it was one that I wouldn't mind repeating.”

The dean looked up at her, slightly panicked. “What? Really? Why? Weren't you the one who wanted to pull away?”

The reader frowned. “Would you mind if I sit next to you? It would be easier if I didn't have to look you in the eyes.”

The redhead moved over a little more and pointed to the empty spot which Scripta occupied gratefully.

“Thanks, first, we both went into it and pulled away from it. It was mutual, I don't want you thinking that you are to blame. I pulled away because you reminded me of Scarlett to the point that it felt as if I was trying to replace her with you. I felt as if I betrayed her, I haven't, I know that no one could ever replace her.”

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now