Chapter 29

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He proposed, we are engaged, i know it seems quick but the other villagers wanted it and so, here we are.

He has been incredible through it all. Even though I can feel his stress, I know that he's keeping it down, I wonder who that reminds me of. We are to be wed in the coming weeks, it is a large event.

I think that it's because of the fact that you kept me so close to yourself, they can now finally get me married off and someone is willing to be the victim. They have stopped calling me a witch, for now, and I am just basking in the glory of my soon to be wedding day. I can't wait.

How is your love? You told me that she was worried and that she is helping you. Helping you with what? Don't tell me that your new village is calling you a witch too, I can't bear the thought. You seemed so hopeful talking about this new village. Are you going to tell me her name? I would love to know more about her, she seems fantastic. How would she react to me calling her step mother?

I do hope for a quick response, how do you even get your responses to the wishing tree? Especially since your new village seems so far away.



I hope that your new lover treats you as he should, tell me if he causes you any harm and he'll find out why I was labelled a witch. I never used to bottle up my emotions, even if it seemed like that, I used to take out my emotions on the wishing tree, where do you think all those burn marks came from?

I hope to the lord above that they didn't marry you off as soon as i left, that seems rather weird. Even if I did keep you close by, I still let you be with people, even when I didn't approve. I told you that Raphael would break your heart but did you listen? No. That one was your fault, not mine.

I do wish that i could be there for your wedding, but, as i said, if i come back all hell will reign loose. Please don't think that it is because I don't want to, I do really wish to see you again. Leonora would love to meet you too.

Her name is Lady Leonora Lesso, do not call her Leonora in front of anyone, she hates it. Even if she wants to meet her future step daughter, she needs time to adjust to new people. I would know, she literally hit me the first day we met. I feel that if you called her step mother she would no longer function. The poor woman stalls every time I tease her by calling her my wife.

She is helping me with my mental health, she is excellent with my little episodes of panic, she knows just what to do and is helping me, as much as i am helping her as well. It is a battle in all honesty, I somehow found the only person in the village as messed up as me.

Your favourite mother."


I went to visit Deauville today to see how she was doing after your disappearance, she misses you as much as me. We stood and talked for a while but she seemed shocked when I mentioned that you were sending letters. She thought I was lying. Apparently this Leonora Lesso woman disappeared like you did.

She... became a side character in one of her favourite fairy tales, Deauville told me that she thinks you're in some school for villains and heroes.

She is lying, right? this is some joke, right? I mean, there's no way that you were taken that night, you told me that you ran away. Please, tell me that she is lying, there is no way that you told me you ran away. You ran away from me, our home, our shop, our life and didn't get kidnapped, right?

You ran away because the villagers are horrible people who saw you as a bad omen and not a person. You ran away from them, right? If given the choice, you wouldn't have stayed, right?

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