Chapter 21

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As Scripta happily sat outside the school for good watching Uma prepare her lesson plan she began to hum.

She closed her eyes as she felt a breeze sweep her hair into her face and opened them when she heard Uma chuckle.

When she looked up she found a lopsided grin faced back at her. She looked at the princess with a raised eyebrow before noticing her pointing to the reader's shoulder.

She looked down to find a singular Robin looking back up at her. She turned her head towards Uma particularly slowly. "What the fuck is a bird doing on my shoulder?"

Uma glared at the use of profanity. "Well, perhaps the bird just likes you. She seems at ease."

Scripta sighed. "She? I suppose you know its name too."

The princess sat next to her and nodded happily. "yes actually. Her name was Serena. She only changed three years ago."

Scripta tilted her head in confusion. “What do you mean by changed?”

Uma thinned her lips and hummed. “Well um, the school for good was very harsh before the unification, i'm not sure about the other school. We used to be on three strikes and you're out kind of policy. If a student failed three times then they would be removed from the school.”

The reader watched her anxious movements cautiously. “By removed you mean expelled right. As in they wouldn't be able to return to the school.”

The princess chuckled airily and tucked her leg over the other. “Well, they would be changed. Like what happened to Serena here, except some wouldn't become creatures like her. They would become things like the wolf guards or the creature that I'm assuming dropped you off.”

The reader hummed as she looked Uma directly in the eyes. “You teach animal communications. Does that mean that the animals that you teach your students to talk to are actually failed students?”

Uma sighed. “Yes, after all the years of this school existing most if not all of the animals in the endless woods are able to be communicated with. It's rather sad when you think about it but my subject is important so I just push through and follow the curriculum.”
Scripta let out a grunting sound. “I don't think I could do that. It would be in the back of my mind every time I looked at an animal. I really do admire what you do.”

Uma chuckled. “Well, Frederick did say that he loved how I was always positive even in the worst of times.”

Scripta smiled. “You do seem to love him, you were talking about him quite excitedly during breakfast. Especially his hair for whatever reason.”

The princess chuckled. “It's soft, don't blame me for that. Also I'm sure that you like Lesso’s hair, I've always been curious as to how it feels.”

The reader snorted. “Please, she trusts her emotions but she doesn't trust me nearly enough to touch her hair. Though yes, I've been quite curious too.”

Uma nudged her leg with her own with a chuckle. “So, are you two… you know… finally smooching under the covers of dark?”

Scripta let out a faux gasp. “Uma, honestly! I didn't even know that a princess was capable of thinking such crude thoughts.”

The laugh she had in response made her smile. “Oh come on, leave me be. Are you or aren't you?”

The reader chuckled. “We're seeing where it goes. We don't want to rush it and we don't really have a label apart from partners. No, we are not sleeping together.”

The princess raised an eyebrow. “Yet.”

An excessively large sleeve was shoved in the brunette's face and she chuckled. “Scripta, slapping me with your clothing is not going to stop your simmering desire for the mistress of evil herself.”

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now