Chapter 14

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Those god forsaken braids had been left in her hair all day. She had seen them this morning, at breakfast, lunch and now while they were eating in her office.

She enjoyed this time they shared eating, it always seemed to calm her nerves, perhaps she could ask Scripta if she wanted to do this more often? The Storian hadn't been much help earlier, the thing had been more cryptic than herself and that was a fucking accomplishment.

SHe watched asScipta flicked her hair out of her face and looked at Lesso with a bashful smile. "Yeah, um, i noticed them this morning and drunk you had done such a good job that i felt bad taking them out. I hope you don't mind, I can take them out if you do."

The dean took Scriptas hand in her own and held it over the desk. "No, you don't need to remove them. They frame your face quite nicely. They compliment you."

The reader just nodded with a smile and removed her hand from the deans. Leonroa decided to ignore the tinge of disappointment and instead start a conversation to keep her mind off of it. "So... how was history of villainy with Sheeks?"

The reader sighed. "Boring, I don't think she likes me very much."

The dean tilted her head. "Why not? There's not much that someone could dislike about you, never or not"

The reader shook her shoulders and just smiled. "Not everyone is going to like me Villy, how was your day?"

Lesso sighed and looked down at her plate with disdain. "Boring as fuck, my students wont stop talking about you.Youre apparently the most attractive never thats passed through here in a very long time."

The reader snorted. "As if, you're far more good looking than me."

The redhead gave her a very unconvinced look of offence and took the reader's hands in her own, much to Scripta's surprise. "You are far better looking than me. Your hair shines in the light, you look good no matter what you wear and you know how to move so gracefully. I must say, I'm a tiny part jealous."

Scripta sat stunned before her face heated and Leonoras had to let go of her hands due to the warmth threatening to burn her. The dean sat there trying to gauge the reaction she caused to see if it was good. When she was given a very wild stare she was tempted to retract her statement.

Then the reader did the unthinkable and stood up to place her hands on the desk in front of Lesso giving her a perfect view of her... necklace, the one that was hanging over her so... nicely.

She looked at Leonora with such a flushed face that she looked as if she had finished a marathon. "I'm sorry, did you call me attractive? Not yourself? What's wrong with you, are you fucking blind?"

The dean stared up at the woman in shock. "What are you talking about?"

The reader looked at Leonora with a slightly cooled face. "You, you are so attractive and you don't even know it. I might call you a demeted clown because of your hair but i fucking love it, you look so good just standing there, your hands look so nice and even your voice adds to it. Your so attractive that it fucking hurts."

They stared at each other in awe as Lesso just took in the information.

Scripta found her attractive, she liked her for who she was, she enjoyed looking at her, she liked her hands, her hair, her voice and just the way she stood. Scripta likes her. She fucking likes her.

She looked at Scripta with a slightly elevated heart rate that made her chest ache with the rate it was moving. They looked into eachothers eyes and stared, none of them willing to make a move.

When Scripta moved back slightly Lesso suddenly lurched forward and grasped the collar of her black blouse to draw her closer. She was scared that she overstepped but Scripta just stared at her and didn't attempt to move back.

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now