Chapter 12: PETE: -

Start from the beginning

Before Vegas could say anything Pete already left, and Vegas was completely dumbstruck. He was literally stuck in the same place rethinking everything. Just on que Tankhun came running to the garden and hit Vegas on the head. Vegas turned around and held his head.

"Tankhun!" Vegas said.

"Why are you still here? The meeting ended!" Tankhun yelled in his squeaky voice.

"I am just here to have a little bit of fun" Vegas teased and Tankhun got even more annoyed.

"Well, you're not welcomed here! Leave!" Tankhun said.

"But the fun never started yet" Vegas said with a smile.

"How dare you! I don't like you, go!" Tankhun said and Vegas smiled, how he hated this family. For a while they teased each other until the day ended and everyone went back home.

A few weeks later....

Porsche, Pete and Aat collapsed on the couch in the bodyguard lounge. "By fucking back!" Aat said.

"Ugh, my knee" Pete whined.

"My whole-body cant fucking move" Porsche said and they all sighed.

"Why do I miss dating Vegas, I got away with everything, never had to do a lot of shit like this!" Pete said.

"I know right, being a background bodyguard is tuff, who knew they had to do a lot of shit" Porsche complained.

"And don't get me started on Kinn, because he found out I go to university he insisted I helped with paperwork!!! IN FUCKING ENGLISH! Did I look like I major in English? So, when I sat in the fucking same position on the floor, since he didn't want me sitting on his favorite couch, my back started to ache, and my ass hurts! Then when I gave the motherfucking papers back to the prick, he threw them on the floor and started shouting me! Bitch, it was in English I did my best" Aat said and Porsche sympathized with him because Porsche knew the feeling. In the starting of everything he had to do the same thing Aat was doing.

"Well, I had to go leave with Korn somewhere, and I nearly died three times, but of course literally only 6 bodyguards remain and I was one of them, not even injured, they al sucked. Then Mister Korn asked me to look for Kim since Kim is always missing, and man did that guy give me a hell of a lot of work to do, he somehow went from city to city so quickly and then when I finally reached his location, I looked up and it turns out we are not in the same place since he was in an airplane. Yeah, I had to fly to a different place just give Kim something with a bunch of other bodyguards. Like what the hell!!! Is Kim on his period or something, why is he like that!" Porsche complained with a frown the entire time.

"Don't get me started on Tankhun! I had to watch 2gether the series about 5 times, and then we went out for a walk he stood on my back to view the scenery, and he was wearing heels by the way. I don't know maybe his lady gaga era who knows. But then we went back inside, and then watched Sky in your heart and then tried making sure the main guy was hot?? How does someone make sure the main guy was hot. So, he told me to stalk the actor and try to get his phone number. For about an entire day I was stalking Joong Archen and snuck into his house, stealing his phone, tried unlocking it but it didn't work, I put dust on the phone to retrack his fingerprints and then finally I got into the phone, got his number. Gave it to Mister Tankhun!! Only for him to say "Your hot" To the actor and put the phone back down like nothing happened, like I didn't just sacrifice my life getting his number" Pete almost became emotional and wiped his tears.

"Damn... that's a lot" Porsche and Aat said.

"No, that's not all. He even insisted on getting an indoor golf thingy and then smacked my knee with the golf stick trying to get the ball into the hole! You bitch your not supposed to smack the ball your supposed to hit it forward" Pete whined and Porsche hugged him for support. "Aat lets switch, you take Tankhun and I want Kinn!!"

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