The Night Your Life Changed

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(Y/N)'s POV.

I was just sitting in the street watching people walking around going to where they were headed. I lived in Snowdin and I was homeless. A month ago I was living with my parents who were always abusing me.

I wanted to get out of there and have my own place but then one night while they were drunk they both kicked me out. I thought that they were kidding but then my dad grabbed all of my stuff and then he told me to get out.

I then walked around until I found a dark alley way that nobody ever went in since it was a dead end. I have lived there ever since and the only way I get food is by asking people to give me some. Since some humans have lived in the underground and we can go to the service whenever I have wanted to go up there.

But the only problem is that I don't know what is up there and I don't want to find out. But then I decided to take a nap since I barely sleep anymore because I sleep in a box on its side. I then fell asleep but as I was I felt like I was being watched.

Nightmare's POV.

I was looking around Snowdin for a new prisoner since Horror had killed the last one. All because they got on his nerves a little, but as I was looking in Snowdin I saw someone in an alley. I thought that would be the best person for a prisoner.

I then looked around to see if anyone was watching me and then I walked over to them. I saw that it was a girl and she seemed to be sleeping. She looked so peaceful while she was sleeping, I then picked her up carefully with one of my tentacles and then I headed back to my castle. Once I got there I headed to the dungeon and then I put her in one of the cells.

She was surprisingly still sleeping after all of that but I didn't really care. I then headed to my thrown room and then I called for Killer. "I have found a new prisoner, but this time it's a female. I want you to watch over her but don't kill her", I told him. He nodded and then he headed to the dungeon. As he started walking away I called the others to the throne room and then I told them about the new prisoner and what I wanted them to do with them.

(Y/N)'s POV.

I woke up to a kind of dark room with brick walls surrounding me all over the place. I looked around but then I saw that I was in some kind of cell that you would see in a prison. 'Where am I' I thought to myself, but then I felt like someone was watching me.

"Hello there, so you're the new prisoner", I heard someone say from over by the bars to my right. I turned my head and then I saw that it was a skeleton with fully black eyes and it looked like he also had black tears too. "W-what did y-you say", I asked him, I didn't mean to stutter but I was really nervous because I didn't know who I was talking to.

"I said that you must be the new prisoner, and I guess you're wondering where you are", he told me. I then nodded and then he chuckled a little bit as he got closer to the bars to get a better look at me. "You're in Nightmare's castle, he is the ruler of the Bad Guys. You're our prisoner now and you will do what you are told", he said, but then I looked confused at him.

"And if I don't", I asked him, but then he smiled at me and then he pulled out a knife and pointed it at me. "I don't think you would want to find out", he said as he smiled at me. I then froze and then I decided not to say another word because I didn't want to die.

'This is gonna suck' I thought to myself as I watched the skeleton sit down to watch me so I didn't leave.

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