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Everyone has heard of the 'your life flashes before your eyes when you die' situation but not many people know the reason for it.

When something goes wrong your brain can usually deal with it by using past experiences to deal with things.

For example, falling over. Your brain knows that if you don't stop yourself, you will get hurt; this has been learned when you were very small and fell over without stopping yourself. This goes on instantly in your brain without you realizing all throughout your life.

That's why kids are always hurting themselves a lot when falling over whereas adults can usually sort themselves out, your brain learns how to deal with certain situations

Now when you're dying, your brain knows something is very wrong but your brain has never died before it doesn't know what to do, it can't find anything instantly

So it frantically searches through your memories for similar experiences in an act to try and save you but it can't find one.

Hence, it keeps searching and searching until your very last breath.

Haerin had always find living to be exhausting. It's an uncomfortable feeling that she can't seem to shake. Lately, she can't wake up comfortably nor smile.

She knows how sad she is, and how unwilling she is to get better. The familiarity of pain and sadness are the only thing she find comfort in, it's the only thing that is constant.

Haerin wasn't scared of dying but now that she can feel her time is near, she couldn't help but feel good and bad at the same time.

The girl can barely talk nor eat the past few days. Some days she sleeps for more than she was awake. It was hard for Hyein to look in her eyes and tell her she's getting more sick day by day.

The night from hell began without slumber. Hyein couldn't sleep, the news brought by Haerin's Dr. made her panic, he said there's no time and Haerin might be living her last hours in this world.

As she sits at the edge of the girl's bed, she couldn't stop the tears fall. She didn't make a single sound, and that must be the most painful cries to hear. The one where you tried so hard to stifle that it's making it hard to breathe

"Why are you crying?" Haerin sat up

Now for once, Hyein was startled. Haerin could barely talk nor move, so how did she?

She looked at her, "I miss you,"

There was a small smile drawing over Haerin's mouth, "I'm here,"

Hyein observed her face. "No, you're not. Your eyes lost the sparks," you're taken away long ago.

Haerin stretched her hand which Hyein slowly took, "Can you bring me banana milk? I'm suddenly craving for those," She chuckled

Hyein wiped her tears and laughed, "You're still so unpredictable, fine!"

The girl stood up, that's when Haerin heart dropped. She felt terribly sad, she can feel her time coming to an end and she didn't know how she'll say goodbye to the only person who took care of her

Before Hyein completely disappeared from her sight, "Hyein," She called

Hyein turn back, "Yeah?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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