chapter 10

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"Danielle, would you mind explaining?" Minji lead the way inside the room where Chaewon's currently resting

Though the room is unfamiliar as they enter, in that hospital bed is a soul that has been woven into their own for as long as they can recall.

"What am I going to explain? There's nothing to explain," She replied, staring motionlessly at Chaewon

Hanni scoffed in disbelief and faced her, "We heard you and Kai talking earlier, tell us what is that about?"

Danielle's eyes didn't change, she didn't waver nor flinched nor show something suspicious.

"Can we see things that aren't there and still believe they're real?" Danielle query, avoiding both Minji and Hanni's gaze

There was a minute of a silence where she took a deep breath, closed her eyes and smiled.

"Our brain isn't always entirely reliable, everything that we see, and hear, and feel are the result of electrical impulses, and sometimes we misinterpret that impulses," said Danielle

"Are you saying we made it all up and we're going mad? You guys were the ones speaking nonsense bullshit at the parking lot," Hanni yelled

She then chuckled wryly, "Why am I even wasting my time here, I'm going home and forget this happened." Hanni trails off, pissed, etched in her entire face

Minji massaged the bridge of her nose, "I called Chaewon's parents. They'll be here, wait for them I'll drive Hanni home." She walked past Danielle then stopped

"If you don't want to tell us it's fine. Call me when you made up your mind or something," She scowled as she trails off

Danielle sat beside Chaewon's bed who's resting just fine, she covered her whole face feeling her entire world deteriorate.

"No one has to know." She whispered into thin air, leaning back in her chair and staring into space


Upon waking up Haerin was quite confused as to why she's in the school clinic, the sun has risen and it hurts her to open her eyes fully

Her brain tries to replay the last few scenes that happened in her dream, she knew it was a nightmare she just couldn't pinpoint which part

She tried to move to the side and that's when she noticed Hyein and Kai, sleeping on the side of her bed across each other

There was a weary sighed she let out before she crawled her way out to the bed. She didn't wake them. They look tired, she observed them for a bit when she decided to go to the restroom

"You're up, good."

Haerin remained blank, she stared at the girl entering the room with three plastic bags in her hands

"What? Do you feel okay? Does something hurt?" She worriedly asked

Haerin shakes her head, "I need to go to the bathroom,"

There was a pause where Haerin's response got Hanni loading before she burst into laughter

"Oh yeah, you were sleeping like a baby. Go on, release whatever you want to release there," Hanni shooed her away as she jumped on the bed where Haerin was peacefully getting out off

"Hey you two! Why didn't you go home?" Hanni practically yelled, "I didn't know you could sleep here tho,"

Haerin trails off, she didn't want to hear Hanni's raging voice early in the morning. She opened the door and another person greeted her at the doorstep

"Captain, you're awake! I brought some fruits," Minji raised the plastic bags, she's grinning.

Haerin's doing her best not to roll her eyes and ask why everyone's here.

"I'm going to the restroom," She replied, ignoring Minji's remarks

The latter nods her head and entered the room, Haerin's not far away from there yet and she can already hear Hanni making fun of Minji

She slowly took her time to get the restroom, then she bumped into someone as soon as she turned left at the end of the hallway

"Could this day get any more worse," She whispered under her breathe

Her clothes drenched in iced coffee and the one to blame is none other than her nemesis, Danielle Marsh

"Why the hell are you up?" The girl query

"Because I am," She retorted, ignoring the sticky feeling on her clothes

She walked past the girl, hoping she would leave her alone just like that.

But she didn't. Haerin was ready to lash out on her when Danielle did the unexpected.

She handed her locker key and wrapped her jacket around Haerin's front.

"Your undergarment is seeping through, don't worry about the coffee you just wasted, I'll buy again." Danielle spoke nonchalantly, avoiding Haerin's eyes while her hands are busy stripping up the zipper of her jacket

Then she walked away. Like the unusual didn't just occured.

"You're the one who bumped into me," said Haerin

Danielle waved her hand, "You're welcome." She replied, hiding a playful tone.

author's note

idk if im doing this right since it's my first story please be brutally honest to give ur opinion and tell me if i should continue or unpublish.

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