The strike

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The night was cold, I could feel the wind on my face like needles, the team was already in position and I only had one thing on my mind, the slow and painful death I was about to give my ex-lover. I was waiting for this moment, planning, perfecting myself, building relationships just to get to this point, and I was ready. I could hear some steps getting closer, they were human for sure.

The bodyguards showed themselves and stepped a few meters away from me, enough to make room for Maddy, who I couldn't hear coming but knew was about to show up. She was smiling and came at high speed to hug me, I held my sword so she couldn't snatch it. We looked into each other's eyes and she changed her smile for a frown.

"Are you not happy to see me?" she asked, "You've been meaning to talk to me for a while, thought this would be a private conversation" I said looking behind her to the guards. "Ah yes, guys, could you give us a minute?" she said, and they walked outside our view range. "Ok, now we can talk" she started.

"These months had been horrible, I miss you terribly Laura, why don't we just work on it a bit harder?" she said. I could see her letting her guard down, I didn't talk, she seemed to have a speech prepared. "I think we can work it out, but now you're literally holding a sword and we're in the middle of some sort of battlefield when all I wanted was for you to take me back. What can I do to get you back?" 

I looked at her and I noticed I didn't feel anything, not like before, I just felt sorry for her, "I don't want to be with you" I said without hesitation, "The years I spent with you were hard and I wasn't feeling like myself most of the time, you don't love me, you just like me around to boost your ego and do things for you. I thought I made it clear when I left" I felt the energy shift, she wasn't the sweet Maddy anymore, she was getting angry, she doesn't like to lose, I know that for a fact. I was holding my sword tighter than before, ready to strike at any moment.

"How dare you!" she said with a coldness in her voice, "I made you who you are, I gave you everything, I was the one that did everything for you, I wanted you to be part of my family and you refused, do you know the embarrassment I've been dealing with? and now you said you don't want me? I should end you right here, right now, so you can never be happy, so you can never experience any possible good in life, you don't deserve it, traitor!" I felt the breeze, everything was happening too fast.

The whole team jumped out of their hiding spots, and in a matter of seconds Maddy was tied with silver chains and put into the ground, she was coming straight for my neck and I was able to get the sword out just in time to cut her cheek. She was gasping on the floor without being able to move and her cheek was getting healed instantly. "Are you ok?" said Dante. "Yes" I added, "one second late and she'd kill you," said Sheila, "I had her" I said with the adrenaline rushing through my veins. "What the fuck is this? let me go or I'll kill all of you" said Maddy struggling to get out of the chains.

"You can't get out, these chains were built specifically to hold monsters like you," said Dante to her. "Laura, I know you want her out but we thought we could use her to get to a bigger fish if we want to end them we have to keep moving up the latter, I need her to give us information" Dante was talking to me, I was holding my sword really tight still and looking at Maddy, I couldn't believe she was just about to kill me. "What if she scapes?" I asked, "She can't," said Hayley "The chains are silver and they are also made specifically to hold vampires, the mermaid's descendants made them, even if she uses her whole force she can't get out.

The rest of the guys were moving Maddy to the van as we were speaking, "We should leave, the guards are going to wake up anytime now" said Jeffrey hopping into the driver seat. We all got inside the van, Sheila took my hand and I noticed I was letting go of the weapon, "I don't care what you do with her, I just never want to see her ever again" I said to the whole crew. Sheila hugged me and I noticed my body relaxing, I started crying, it was over. At least for a little while.

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